Chapter [66]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

Nik bursts into the room, his eyes falling onto Cami and I.

He stares in disbelief.

"She's dead," I mutter.

Nik's eyes brim with tears, anger flooding through him as he lifts up the side table smashing it abruptly against the wall.

"Nik!" I scold, "Nik....."

I stand to my feet pulling him into a tight hug.

"Why does this always happen?" He asks numbly, "To those I allow myself to open up to."

"I don't know," I mumble, "I don't know."

He clutches me tighter, "You can never die on me."

I look into his eyes, "I won't."

Taking a deep breathe I step away from him to place a blanket over her body only for Cami to gasp awake.

Instantly I drop the blanket, staring at her with wide eyes.

Her hands fling to her throat feeling the blood coating her fingers.

She gazes up at me weakly, "Dani......."

I lunge forward hugging her tightly, "You're alive!"


Cami sits on the couch sipping her water.

"Tell us what happened," Nik instructs.

I kneel in front of her reaching for her hand.


I let out an agressively low growl.

"She compelled me when Danielle was unconscious," Cami admits her eyes flicker to me, "She told me to drink this vial of your blood when I heard you accept Klaus's proposal."

I look down in shame, "Then she compelled you to kill yourself, Why?"

"Aurora spoke about how she wanted to kill you but chose to instead make you suffer......"

I rise to my feet, "She wants me to kill myself so she can have Nik all to herself. This is my fault."

Cami shakes her head, "No! Aurora did this to me."

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now