Chapter [75]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I sit on the sofa sipping on a cup of coffee.

Freya blinks incredulously at the box of letters Nik hands to her, "You collect trophies from all your victims?"

"Letters to their loved ones, to be specific," Elijah clarifies.

Nik ignores them fiddling with some letters, "It was a phase."

Elijah rolls his eyes, "A phase in which we were forced to learn a different kind of stealth."

He takes a seat in front of Freya and I, "You see, over time, Niklaus' enemies grew so numerous, we had no choice but to artfully withdraw from the world."

Nik pouts clearly offended.

"And then...Well, I wouldn't exactly describe our presence in this city as discrete. Wouldn't you agree, Niklaus?"

"We all saw the white oak destroyed!" Nik exclaims in frustration, "Plus, this city is crawling with vampires, all of whom had no choice but to shield me from potential foes! Were I to die, they would die, too. I couldn't have been more safe!"

I place my cup on the table, my eyes blinking in realisation.

"And now my sire link is undone. Those very foes will come for me... Like never before "

Freya sighs, "It's only been a few days since the link was broken. Must you jump into crippling paranoia already?"

"It's a default setting."

Nik scowls at them, "And for good reason!"

Elijah stands to his feet walking over, "Well, Niklaus, if it offers you any solace whatsoever, you've ransacked Aya's belongings, torched Aurora's hunting ground, and obliterated every last splinter of the white oak."

"I would be mad to believe that," His voice lowers darkly.

Elijah's shrugs, "Perhaps you should see a therapist."

Nik looks over to me.

"It's okay, go she can help you," I reassure him.

Nik leaves the room silently.

Freya turns to Elijah and I, "Every last splinter? You're sure?"

Elijah doesn't answer causing my body to shiver nervously.


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