Chapter [68]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I climb up onto the bar downing a bottle of tequila grinning over at Cami who smirks at me.

"This is amazing!" Cami yells happily mixing some cocktails.

I jump down to her, "Oh yeah. Come with me."

I tug on her wrist leaving Rousseau's heading down into a dark alleyway.

"You hear that?" I turn to Cami.

She nods, "A heartbeat."

"Two, to be precise," I correct rushing over to a couple making out against the wall.

"Good evening," I smile politely.

They break apart abruptly.

"Who are you?" The boy scoffs.

"Watch and learn, Cami, watch and learn," I mutter under my breathe rushing over to the boy holding him in a choke-hold.

"Don't move, don't speak," I compel tilting my head to the terrified girl.

The girl screams turning to run when Cami stands in front of her.

"Go on," I encourage.

Cami compels her to stand still and not talk.

"Now, when you feed you always heal them afterwards," I explain, "Even if you want to have more."

Cami frowns, "And what if I can't control myself."

"We all make mistakes, Cami," I smile softly, "That's how we learn."

I feel my fangs protruding, sharply biting down on the boy's neck. I feed listening to the heartbeat pulling away in euphoria.

I heal him, "Leave. Forget this happened. You never saw my friend and I."

The boy trails away absently.

"Your turn," I raise my eyebrows to Cami.

Cami leans in feeding from the girl.

I watch her while wiping my lips dry from blood.

I hear the faint beats of the girls heart becoming lighter, almost none existent.

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now