Chapter [46]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I walk into the room, "Bekah," I smile planting myself next to her and Freya.

Rebekah smiles, "Welcome to such unfortunate events."

I shrug glancing at a pouting hybrid sat glumly in the corner.

"You needn't worry," Freya squeezes Rebekah hand, "Elijah explained the problem, and I can help."

"Rather confident, aren't we?" Nik mutters loudly.

Freya ignores him looking back to Rebekah, "The spirit of the host body is powerful, but I can cast a spell, put you in a deep sleep, and then suppress this other essence. You'll be just fine."

Rebekah nervously smiles reaching for my hand, "Lovely. When do we start?"

Nik's groans, "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. She spouts off some magical diagnosis, and we are all supposed to applaud."

I cross my arm in frustration, "Nik, she's trying to help."

He stands up walking over to us, "Yes, but for the sake of keeping our options open, why not write down your spells and incantations? That way, we can have them double-checked by an impartial third party, say Davina. She'd love to prove me wrong."

"I doubt she would understand my magic, let alone have the power to execute it," Freya scoffs.

Nik smiles, "Oh. So you're our only hope then? Seems rather convenient, doesn't it?"

I shake my head at his paranoia, catching a glance with Rebekah.

"I knew it would be difficult to win your trust, Niklaus. Your reputation precedes you..." Freya mumbles with disappointment turning to face him, "But if we are to face Dahlia together, you will have to trust me. Given the peril that Rebekah now faces, are you truly incapable of giving me even a chance to prove myself?"

Nik rolls his eyes walking back to the bar, pouring himself another drink of bourbon.

"I'll have one of those, Love," I wink flirtatiously.

Nik smiles handing me a glass.

"I know I appear as an outsider, but I have dreamt of you all for a thousand years," Freya looks at her younger siblings, "Elijah, when you were in Esther's womb, she would ask me to sing to you. I would feel her belly as I did."

Freya laughs softly, "Heh. How you would kick. She would say, "it was as if Thor himself had raised his hammer"..."

"....And summoned thunder and lightning," Elijah finishes with a smile, "Mother rarely mentioned you. When she did, she would say how enchanted you were by the prospect of my birth."

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now