Chapter [16]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

"So both Nik and Rebekah have gone missing," I clarify talking with Marcel.

He nods, "I think some witch named Genevieve has them."

"Bloody hell," I complain, "This fighting is never ending with this family."

He smiles, "I know. And yet as much as you hate them, you can't help but love them."

I smile, "Are you talking about Rebekah?"

He avoids my gaze, looking up to Elijah.


"They're putting eyes and ears out everywhere. Daywalkers are working every contact we've got. Cops, dock workers, guys in the Treme...Word is out: anyone trying to earn favor with me gets a lifetime of it if they find them," Marcel states regarding his army.

Elijah nods, "Good. I need a pen and paper."

I give him a weird look, "Okay."

I follow him into the living room, Marcel close behind me.

"Hey, am I taking orders from you now, or are we in this together?"

Elijah ignore him removing his jacket.

"Pen and paper, Marcellus. Now!" Elijah snaps, clearly frustrated at the situation.

I hear Marcel sigh, "I want her back just as much as you do, you know....The both of them."

Marcel walks out of the room.

I lean against the door frame, "What are you doing?"

He takes off his shirt looking up, "Hayley!"

She walks in, "Elijah! You're back. Did you find any..." trailing off her words, "...thing?"

Her eyes flicker over to me, "What's happening?"

I shrug, "I've been trying to ask the same thing."

He sighs, "I need you both to make a list of these names."

I hold out my hand to Marcel for some paper and a pen while Hayley inspects Elijah's now tattooed chest. 

"Sabine? Elijah, what is this?" Hayley questions.

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now