Chapter [80]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I burst into the compound in New Orleans listening to Finn coughing intensely, his body extremely sweaty and pale.

"Finn!" Nik steps closer.

"Oh, what's happening?" Elijah questions with panic.

I slam down a briefcase, "His body is rejecting Nik's blood."

"Danielle," Elijah looks in shock, "What are you doing here?"

I click open the briefcase pulling out two vials and a syringe.

Finn wheezes desperately against Nik and Elijah's grip.

"Freya...." He grunts.

Freya holds Finn's hand, "Hey! It's going to be all right, brother. We'll fix this, you'll see. Okay?"

She stands up, "Get my pendant."

"It won't work!" Kol explains, "Davina fused his soul to his body."

Freya screams in frustration, "We've got to try! There's no Other Side! No Ancestral well if he dies."

I rush over, "Freya I need you to listen to me. I have an idea but I need you to trust me, can you do that?"

Freya glances around at her brothers before looking at me, "I trust you."

"Great, then I need you to prepare everything you need with Kol's help for a spell to put Finn into a deep sleep," I instruct.


"I'll explain, just do it!"

Kol and Freya leave to get what they need.

"Danielle, what are you planning?" Nik asks.

"Dahlia turned me into an enhanced original hybrid, my werewolf bite if more lethal than yours," I grumble, "She used the venom of seven werewolf packs-"

Nik cuts me off, "Like Lucien used to create his upgraded self."

I nod, "In these vials I have my venom and my blood. I'm mixing then together and putting it into this syringe."

"I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish," Elijah comments as Freya and Kol return.

"She's gonna use it to try and make a cure for Finn," Nik concludes.

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now