Chapter [28]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I listen carefully hearing commotion coming from the front area of the compound.

"Split up, you two that way," Oliver instructs.

Grinning, I rush over to two werwolves who were heading for the staircase grabbing one of them snapping their neck quickly. I throw the other one against the wall, crushing their skull.

Bending down I pull off the two moonlight rings on their fingers. I rush down the corridor attacking several more werewolves stealing their rings.

Lifting my head I see several gentleman circling me, the odd few wearing a moonlight ring.

"Have I mentioned that I've had a rotten couple of months?" I complain my hybrid faces creeping across my face.

I lunge forward snapping their necks easily taking what I wanted before sensing Oliver around the corner.

I swiftly stand in front of him landing a harsh punch to his face. Kicking him in the leg, crushing the bones before lifting him up into a chokehold.

I growl at him, "You think you're strong because of that ring you wear? You're nothing. We were strong, we were part of a pack, and you ruined it."

I pull off his ring holding it in front of him, "If I see you with one of these again, I will kill you myself."


I run through the forest on the outskirts of New Orleans, listening to Francesca's heaving breathing trying to escape the chaos she caused.

Smiling evilly I jump in front of her car, the tyres screeching to a stop. Her eyes staring at me in shock.

Disappearing I move to her car door forcefully ripping it off dragging her out over the car hood.

"Please don't kill me, please," she cries out begging for her life.

I ignore her ripping the ring off her finger, throwing it to the ground, biting viciously into her neck.
The sound of her heart thumping faintly ending. Her body falling limp in my arms.

Still angry I snap her dead neck throwing her to the ground proceeding to smash up the car.

Out of nowhere I fall to my knees, tears flooding down my cheeks crawling over to her dead body.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I whisper closing her fear stricken eyes.

Standing to my feet I flee once again back to the compound straight into Hope's nursery.

I grab the crib throwing it against the wall.

"Danielle, hey!" Nik says trying to calm me down, appearing out of nowhere.

I move far away from him, my emotions running wild.

"I killed her," I gasp hyperventilating.

Nik looks at me furrowing his eyebrows.

"Francesca. She looked me in the eye. Begged me for her life as I tore her apart. But I don't feel better! I don't feel peace! I don't feel ANYTHING."

Nik sighs, "As a hybrid, you will begin to experience feelings with a greater intensity. It will take time to master control."

I shake my head, "I don't want to live like this, Nik. I hate it! When I was living with the Crescents in the Bayou, I finally understood the... purity of being a wolf... the nobility."

I pause Nik listening intently.

"I killed eight wolves tonight before I got to Francesca. Eight of my own people. What's noble about that? I acted no better than a..."

"...Than a vampire?" Nik whispers softly in a sad tone.

I nod, "Everything has changed. I don't know if I'm still the women I was before I died."

Nik grabs my hand pulling me into our bedroom taking a seat on the sofa next to the bed.

"It will get better," he states, looking me in the eyes.

I sigh, "When? I'm immortal now. If I can't get through today, how am I supposed to get through forever?"

Nik remains silent for a few minutes, "You know, over the years, I've had my share of friends, enemies, lovers, losses, and triumphs. With time, they all begin to run together. But, you will find that the real moments are vibrant. The rest... just fades away. Your pain will fade."

"Mine won't, not until I hold our baby girl in my arms again," I whisper.

Nik grabs my hand reassuringly, "And so you shall. But, in order to do that, we need to regain control of the city. Now, we worked separately to unite those wolves. We can work together to do it again. They don't need to be our enemies."

I shake my head, "After ambushing them, they're not going to want to be our friends, Nik."

Nik disagrees, "You waged a just war on those who would harm your child! Not only will they respect you, they will answer to you!"

"Why would they do that now?" I ask with confusion.

Nik smiles, "Because you're a Queen. The Queen of New Orleans."

I sigh, "Hayley's the Queen of my pack though."

Nik shakes his head, "Yes, she is, however they'll still listen to you. You have royal blood running through your veins."

I ponder it for a second, "What about all our other enemies? The witches don't stop even after they're dead."

"We defeated my mother and her witches because we stood united," he explains.

He turns to me, "That is how we will face all our enemies. As a family. Together."

I smile at him leaning forward, placing a soft and needed kiss on his lips. Pulling away I place my head onto his shoulder, sleeping properly for the first time in weeks.


Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now