Chapter [27]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

My golden eyes glow brightly under the moonlight, the dark sky looming over the trees. Running at full speed my paws dig into the soil, a strange feeling of freedom enveloping my skin.

"Only we can know the truth," Nik says pointing to Hayley, Elijah and I.

I growl thinking of Francesca and her pack, blaming them for having to send my beloved daughter away.

Halting to a stop I remember how alone I've been for the last couple of months.
Hayley and Elijah seemingly healing together, all the while Nik wallows in his grief.

I race towards the shack in the bayou, my wolf morphing back to human.

Groaning in self inflicting torture I pull on some jeans and a top, zipping up my boots.

I take a deep breathe speeding back to the French Quarter hovering like a predator hunting for its prey.

The sound of ragged breathing and drunk ramblings echo in my ear, my lips smiling maniacally. My fingers gripping around the strangers neck, staring into the brown eyes.

"Don't move. Don't scream. This won't hurt I promise," I compel leaning my lips to his neck.

I stab his skin into the jugular, sucking roughly for his blood ruthlessly, pressing him against the wall listening to his heartbeat slowing. 

I lean back, the euphoria kicking in my eyes lighting up.

"I want more," I whisper into his ear about to continue draining him when I hear clanging of bottles and teens heading towards me.

Clenching my jaw, I go to feed the boy my blood a picture of Francesca flickering in and out of focus. Angry I squeeze abruptly, the sound of bones crunching, snapping under pressure.

I step back the boys dead body slumping to the ground behind a dumpster.

Silently I leap up on top of the building, contemplating murdering the group before untimely deciding to flee back to the compound my emotions all over the place.


I walk into my room, hearing someone taking something apart.

"What do you think you're doing, Elijah?" I ask angrily, watching him dissembling Hope's cot.

Elijah stands up glancing at me, "Welcome back. What is it, the third night this week?"

I roll my eyes, "I don't need a caretaker. Hybrids are invincible, right?"

He scoffs, "You should be taking Hayley's lead and learning to control yourself."

I growl at him, "What are you doing, Elijah?" Gesturing to the cot.

Elijah sighs, "As we have discussed, our illusion needs to be flawless. Now, months have passed. It's the appropriate time."

I feel the anger rising in me, "What's next on the 'appropriate' list? Nik and I hold our heads up high and say we're ready to try again?"

Elijah's eyes widen at my anger, "I understand this is difficult for you--"

I cut him off shouting, "--What's difficult is knowing that Francesca Guerrera is still breathing after she was the one who plotted with the witches to kill my baby."

Elijah sighs, "You will have your vengeance, I promise you this."

I glare at him, "Well, until then, this is my room, and I'll tell you when it's appropriate to clean it out."

Elijah studies me for a second, before walking out.

I stand alone in Hope's nursery picking up a light blue bunny from the side rushing my fingers over the velvet fabric.
Feeling my eyes water I put it back, curling up into my bed crying myself to sleep.


The next evening

I walk into the dining room of the compound finding Hayley, Elijah and Nik plotting our plan of attack.

"We have the Guerreras where we want them. We have them waiting, we have them worried, and now, we know they're an army with no defenses against an Original," Nik states.

"We don't know that for certain," Hayley responds.

"I'm willing to gamble," Nik shrugs.

Elijah shakes his head, "It's too risky! The stake didn't just disappear, someone has it."

Nik glares at Elijah, "One enemy at a time! In the end, we'll slay them all."

Nik stumbles back into his seat at the table feeling the moonlight rings activate.

Instinctively I place my hand on his shoulder.

He looks up to me blankly, "Tonight, we just have to plant the right seeds, and for that, we need help."

Elijah walks over to the table, laying out a map of the French Quarter.

"We're taking the twelve original rings. Now, four of them sit on the hands of the Guerrera brothers. One on Oliver, one on Francesca, three with the home security detail, and the rest scattered amongst her lackeys. Now, each ring is distinguishable by its setting-- gauche, like those that wear them," Elijah explains.

"What about the stake?" I question.

Nik grins, "If they believe they can get their hands on the stake, they will come for me when I am weak. Each ring you retrieve will strengthen me, but I will still at a disadvantage."

Elijah nods, "Ergo, any hope of our success depends entirely upon our working together."

He looks directly at Nik and I, "The two of you can no longer afford to retreat to separate corners."

Nik glances over to me, "This is our fight. Are you ready for battle, Danielle?"

I stare at the ground numbly, "Just promise me that Francesca doesn't come out of this alive."

He smiles weakly at me, "Her head will be delivered to you on a silver platter, little wolf."

Elijah and Hayley turn to leave, "We'll deal with the last piece of the puzzle."

I nod speeding off to my spot in the compound to protect Nik from anyone who attacks.


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