Chapter [87]

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Danielle's PoV

"I can't believe Davina is dead," I mumble glancing up at Hayley, "She didn't deserve to die like that, or at all......."

Hayley sighs, "Dani, her sacrifice saved all of us......I know it was cruel and evil but if we didn't you and Klaus would have be bitten or worse dead."

I shake my head, "Doesn't excuse what we did. We've lost whatever trust we had with Marcel and Kol."

"Kol will come around," Hayley reassures, "He's family."

I shrug my shoulders, "He's lost the one person who meant the world to him. He'll never be the same......"


The door bursts open, Freya and Elijah walking in abruptly.

I stand to my feet alarmed, "What is it?"

"The Prophecy," she blurts breathlessly, "It's still upon us."

I blink, "What how? Who? Why?"

"I don't know," Freya murmurs reaching for Elijah and I's hands, "Let me show you."

You will all fall, one by friend, one by foe and one by family.

A vision clouds my eyes, an image of Marcel standing upon a dimly lit bridge during the night. It changes swiftly to Elijah's arm, a werewolf bite oozing engrained in his skin.
Images of Hayley and I standing together blood covering my face, Hope clutched tightly in my arms.
The images fades to Nik being pinned to the ground, Marcel plunging something into his chest.
A sudden row of coffins flashing before me.

I gasp stepping backwards, "Oh my god!"

Hayley supports my frame, "What did you see?"

"They're going to die," I look up at Elijah, "We need to find Marcel."

"Marcel?" Hayley questions.

"He's the hidden enemy," I whisper, "Davina's death has sparked his hatred for us all."

Freya sighs deeply, "We're too late.....Klaus is already with Marcel."

I look to Elijah who nods speeding out of the compound.



I slowly approach Nik standing silently out on the balcony overlooking the city street.

"Nik," I whisper softly, "Are you okay?"

He grunts still staring at the city.

Gently, I step behind him hugging him from behind, "I'm sorry........about Marcel."

He places his hands on mine, affectionately rubbing them before twisting round to face me. Tears pooling in his eyes.

"Oh Nik," I hug him tightly burying my face in the crook of his neck.

"Elijah killed him," Nik growls angrily, "Marcel......he was giving up. He wasn't going to hurt me."

I pull back, "I saw the vision Nik, Marcel would have plunged a weapon in your chest, killing you. He'd have killed Elijah-"

"You agree with them then-"

I cut him off, "No. I don't believe Marcel should have died, but he needed to be found in case he did have foul intentions."

Nik rolls his eyes.

"You lost Marcel...I get that. The man you saw as a son," I place my hand on his shoulder, "But we unknowingly had a part in Davina's death, the girl he saw as his daughter......."

"You're saying his grief and anger would lead him to murder our family."

I shrug, "People can be triggered by all sorts of different things."

He goes silent.

"You should forgive him," I cautiously express, "He is still your brother.

Nik scoffs, "He can rot in hell for all I care."

I exhale sharply, "Nik after everything that you have done, all the people that you've threatened, tortured, killed, all the pain that you have put him through, he has always forgiven you. Don't forget that."

He rolls his eyes storming away from me into the compound.

I stay resting my elbows upon the railing of the balcony glancing to Hope in the bedroom. My hand falling to my stomach, gently cradling it.

"No one is gonna hurt you, little one," I smile to myself, "I'll protect you and your sister until the day that I die."


Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now