Chapter [59]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I storm into the compound behind Freya ready to confront Nik about Aurora, only to find the compound trashed and the two brothers sitting in the dining room covered in blood and ripped clothes.

I slam open the door glaring at Nik as he drains his blood into a glass while Elijah adjusts his tie.

"May I ask what happened?" Freya asks unimpressed.

Nik smirks, "We had a little chat about the past."

I roll my eyes, "Clearly. I assume it was about Aurora."

Nik looks up noticing my jealous expression.

Elijah smiles at Freya, "I informed Niklaus I am not his enemy. And, though they entered the city under the guise of peace, Tristan and Lucien, in truth, are allied against us. A fact that required a little bit of... gentle persuasion..."

Nik grins, "And so I reminded our brother, who angered them in the first place..."

I cross my arms angrily, "And, after all of this civil discourse, what understanding did you come to?"

"That we expose and destroy our first sired."

Nik slides his drink across the table, "Couldn't agree more. You see, gentlemen know when to call a truce and turn our fury in a more pertinent direction."

They hold up glasses clinking them.

"Perfect," I fake a smile, "So Elijah, you can go with Freya and tidy up the mess behind me. While Nik and I have a very important conversation."

Elijah looks at me knowing it would be about Aurora, and so swiftly gets to his feet following Freya out of the room.

I walk up to Nik, "So a lover of yours is in town."

Nik sighs standing to his feet, "Aurora means nothing to me."

I raise my eyebrows, "Oh really! Because from the sounds of it, she seems obsessed with you."

He rolls his eyes, "We met nearly a thousand years ago. I've not seen her since then."

"But she holds a place in your heart, does she not?"

"After Tatia, yes, she was the first person I met who understood me," Nik admits.

"And do you still love her?" I question staring him in the eyes.

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now