Chapter [81]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

I lean against the window frame, a nauseous feeling flooding my body. I groan softly swallowing some vomit, suppressing my sudden sickness.

"You're hovering," Freya states glancing up at Nik before flicking her eyes over to me.

Nik rolls his eyes, "I'm supervising. How else to speed you your endeavours?"

He moves across the room, "Let's see. Perhaps I should bring Vincent here? Force him to aid you by removing his legs?"

I scoff, "I doubt Vincent knows how to kill Lucien, either."

"Besides," Freya cuts in, "If he leaves the St James, who knows what the Ancestors will make him do next?"

I jump when Elijah bursts into the room.

"The Ancestors are thoroughly occupied, according to Davina, terrorising our brother," Elijah explains.

"What a surprise!" Nik expresses with sarcasm, "Another day, another witch-inspired vendetta."

Elijah shrugs, "Well, Davina can take care of Kol for now. Let us focus our energies on Lucien. How do we demolish that rodent?"

I take a step forward ignoring a dizzy spell, "Freya is working on it."

"Yes!," Nik huffs, "While we all have our roles to play, Elijah can stay here and oversee whatever Freya is doing. I'm going to actually accomplish something."

I speed in front of Nik, "If your going to Cami's, then I'm coming with you."

I stare into his eyes before walking out of the room.


I stroll down the French Quarter beside Nik, my hand entwined tightly with his.

"Are you okay?" I ask quietly.

He sighs, "You referring to the death of my brother or my arch nemesis becoming an overpowered beast."

I stay silent.

He pauses just round the corner from Cami's apartment, "What about you? You've been slightly distanced since Finn."

I sigh, "Just feeling under the weather. Probably just a side effect know....."

He narrows his eyes unsure.

Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now