Chapter [4]

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Danielle's PoV

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Danielle's PoV

Back at the mansion

"This is why I told you never to leave the house. Werewolves are banned in the Quarter. I had a plan, and your little nighttime stroll put it all in peril! Leave him!" Klaus states, pointing at the bodies of the vampires.

He looks at Rebekah, "You've done enough, don't you think? Leaving a trail of bodies like a road map to my door?"

Rebekah scoffs, "If I hadn't overheard this lot bragging about werewolf heads, everyone here would be screwed. And don't give me that crap about having a plan. You've had all the time in the world to execute a plan, and no one's seen you do a damn thing! Elijah made a deal to protect your child, so that it could save you from your selfish, rotten self. But you obviously don't give a damn about the child or Elijah, because what have you done to honour it?"

Klaus sighs, "I have done everything. Let me spell it out for you, shall I? From the day I arrived, Marcel hasn't trusted me. From Day One, he's had his vampires ingest toxic vervain which, as you know, little sister, protects them from my mind control. I needed a spy, someone on the inside with me who Marcel would never suspect. So, I created a Day Zero and got there first. Marcel had just lost six vampires, thanks to your little murder spree, and he needed new recruits. So, I made the new one mine, before he'd had even a drop of vervain. But we all know the real way to a man is through his heart, so...I compelled the lovely bartender Cami to do my bidding."

I give him a little look of jealousy, "Who the bloody hell is Cami?"

Klaus smirks at me pulling the vampire that was still alive away from the fire, "And this one.....I'm gonna drain him of vervain, compel him to believe his mates found religion and moved to Utah, so that he can explain to Marcel why he lost three more vampires tonight."

We all follow him as he drags the vampire into the house.

Once inside Klaus drops the vampire on the floor and turns to us.

"Does anyone have any more questions? No? Good, because I have a question. Dani, what were you doing in the bloody French Quarter in the first place? Answer me!" Klaus yells at me.

I cower back from him.

Rebekah moves towards me, "Leave her be."

Hayley defensively stands in front of me facing Klaus, "You wanna know what she was doing? She was buying poison, so that she could put your little baby out of its misery."

Out of nowhere Klaus grabs hold of my throat pinning me up against the wall.

I instantly gasp for air.

"Nik! NIK!" Rebekah exclaims, vamp speeding towards us, pushing Klaus off of me.

I fall to the ground coughing, struggling to breath.

Hayley falls next to me checking my neck, massaging it a little.

Rebekah stands in front of us, "Keep your hands off her! She is pregnant, for God's sake! All of this bluster about not wanting the child, and then the second she tells you she's ready to get rid of it? It's okay to care. It's okay to want something. That's all Elijah was trying to do, all he's ever wanted for you. All we've ever wanted."

I look directly at Klaus, guilt filling my face, tears building in my eyes.

Klaus calms down falling back against the wall, sitting down.

Rebekah takes a seat next to Klaus.

"I gave Elijah to Marcel," Klaus admits.

Rebekah turns to him, "What?"

Klaus sighs, "Marcel was nervous. It's bad enough one Original returned to town, but two? His crew was getting antsy. He wanted Elijah gone, so... I gave him a peace offering."

Rebekah scoffs, "You bartered our brother?"

Klaus turns to her, "I have a plan. Gain Marcel's trust, dismantle his empire, honour Elijah's wish that that baby be born. I am executing that plan the only way I know how. If you don't like it, there's the door. See if I care."

He stands up walking into a different room.

I get to my feet, quickly following after him up to my bedroom.

He fiddles with the bag I had stored the rest of the Wolfsbane.

Klaus goes to speed away sensing me enter.

I leap forward gripping hold of his wrist, "Wait! Please...."

He nods.

"I didn't know what to do. You were ignoring me, after basically signing my death certificate. And I thought that maybe if I could make things go back to the way they were, then things would be okay between us," I explain.

He gives me a look of confusion, "What stopped you? You could have been free of all of this... of me."

I frown, "I don't want to be free from you Klaus. I love you and when I went to drink it, I couldn't, because I couldn't be responsible for killing an innocent baby. Our baby. It was then that I realised that I would never let anyone hurt it, not me, not you, no one."

He gives me a small smile.

Tears well up in my eyes, "I'm sorry for even thinking about it, let alone attempting to commit to the act."

Klaus walks over to me placing his hand on my cheek wiping the falling tears away from my face, planting a soft kiss upon my forehead.

"It's okay, Little Wolf. I'm sorry for making you feel like I didn't want you, or our baby," he apologises.

I hug him tightly before pulling back leaning in slowly, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

He instantly kisses me back lifting me up onto the bed. We lay down next to each other, him feel kissing my neck.

"I'm sorry for hurting you," he says, referring to my neck.

I turn to face him, "Klaus, it's okay."

He shakes his head, "No it's not. You're the one person I can't lose control with. You're the only person that matters to me right now, I can't let anyone hurt you, not even me."

He then tries to get up leave but I pull him back down, "Please don't leave."

He stares me in the eyes and nods, laying back down on the bed. I snuggle up to him, placing my head on his chest, wrapping my arm around his waist, just as he wraps his around mine.


Smitten Storm ✨ Danielle Gilbert-Labonair [2]Where stories live. Discover now