Chapter [62]

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Cami's PoV 

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Cami's PoV 

I blink open my eyes sitting up in the back seat of a car, the light blinding me.

"Urgh," I moan my fingers grazing over a my neck touching the dried blood, "Where am I?"

I look up to see a girl with dark red hair driving us somewhere.

"Hello Darling, glad to see you're awake," She smirks parking the car outside St Anne's Church.

I lean back into my seat staring at her.

"You've got a big day ahead of you," She climbs out of the car, gripping my arm tightly guiding me towards the trunk.

"What are you doing?" I ask nervously.

"Oh Sweetheart, you think you're the only one today. I'm afraid we have another guest joining us."

She pops the trunk revealing an unconscious Danielle laying in a strange position.

I gasp, holding my hand over my mouth, "Danielle!"


Danielle's PoV

I squeeze my eyes open hearing voices talking, before the trunk opens wide.

I speed forward gripping the crowbar with one hand slamming it across Aurora's face.

Jumping out of the car I turn, "Cami! What are you doing here?"

Cami's eyes widen pointing behind me.

Aurora scowls at me, "That was not nice."

She grips her hand around my neck dragging me into the Church, her other hand tightly on Cami's wrist.

"I believe it's time for the three of us to have a little heart-to-heart. Come along."

I stumble inside gasping for breathe, Aurora shoving me onto the ground, along with Cami.

She stares at me, "Move and I'll kill the blonde."

I narrow my eyes at her, standing my ground, realising there are guys in here using the gym.

"What-what are we doing here?" Cami asks, a twinge of fear in her tone.

Aurora grins cheerfully, "I heard a rumor these men train here, hoping to be made into vampires. So, I'm going to grant them their wish."

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