Chapter 2 - Cookies And Careers

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*Two months later*

It had been one day since Eddy got married (He and Melanie went to to take a twelve tour of India for their Honeymoon and we had decided that Anna would stay with me, Melody and Tonks, 4 days each. So currently, she was with me.) and a little over a month since Ron and Hermione got married.

Now, the thing was that during this two month time, I was very busy with both weddings and with all the bridesmaid's duties and I couldn't find time to complete my resume.

Everyone else seemed to have getting on with their careers whereas I haden't even sent out any applications yet.

As for the older ones, Harry and Ron had proceeded with Auror internships last year and got promoted this year. Similarly, Hermione had gotten a job at the Ministry.

Draco was doing a 2-year course to become a healer at St. Mungos and well, Neville was on his way to become a Herbologist.

As for the one's in my year, only a few days ago, Ginny got an acceptance letter from the Holyhead Harpies saying that she had gotten the chaser's spot that she tried out for, that had been her dream for so long!

Luna was on her way to become a Magizoologist...and so was Melody.

I knew Eddy wanted to become a potioneer and Melanie wanted a job at the Ministry like Hermione and they would most likely get those jobs too.

At least they all knew what they wanted to do...I can't seem to figure out what I want.

Oh, and did I mention that they all had moved out? I was still living with Moony and Padfoot at Dad's Hogsmeade cottage, it's not that I didn't like living with them, it's just that I wanted to become independent and they treated me as though I were still a child.

"Aunt Wizzy! Wakey-Wakey!" Anna said as she tried to shake me awake.

"Good morning, Buttercup." I said as I got up and smiled at her.

"I bake cookie wib gwampa Pafoo!" She told me excitedly.

"You baked cookies with Grandpa Padfoot? I asked her, trying to correct her grammar. I know she's only a toddler, but hey, this is how they learn.

She quickly nodded her head.

"Alright, let's go and eat those yummy cookies!" I exclaimed as I got out of bed.

"Wet's go!" She said as she started heading towards the door of my room.

"Anna, did you brush your teeth, darling?" I asked as I picked her up before she could run out.

"Yes..." She lied as she crossed her fingers behind her back...she's caught my habit...I had it for a very long time. Everyone's right when they say that she's a carbon copy of me, both in looks and behaviour. A lot of people mistook me for her mother...that's how alike we were.

"Anna, what happens when you lie?" I asked calmly.

"Your nosy gwos." She answered.

"I can see yours growing right now."

"It's no' gwoing!" She defended as she covered her nose with her tiny hands.

"You can't see it growing because you're little...big people can easily spot growing nosies." I said as I playfully grabbed her nose.

"Otay, I was wying, I didn't bwush my teeth." She said in defeat.

"Good girl, now let's both brush our teeth so we can have cookies!"

"Yay!" She exclaimed excitedly.

We both then headed to my attached bathroom to brush our teeth. I then placed Anna on a stool so she could reach the sink.

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