Chapter 9 - Ultrasound

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1st August 2000, I was now one month pregnant and was trying to hide it from Sirius and Remus. Neville and I were planning on telling the family today, but with a plan so he won't get murdered.

Right now, I was vomiting into the toilet and Sirius was holding my hair back.

"Are you sure you don't wanna see a healer?" He asked as I washed my mouth out with water.

"No, it's probably just a stomach bug." I lied.

"And we don't know that for sure so we should get it checked." He said worriedly.

"Nope, I don't have time...I have these NEWTs to grade."

"Anne, you literally graded all the exams and sent off the results." Remus deadpanned as he entered my room.

"Okay, I'll just have a Crocin and it'll be fine, it's not a big deal."

"Is there something you want to tell us, Annie?" He asked as he eyed me suspiciously.


"Is this about those sticks in your bathroom that you said were to 'check for diabetes'? Because I recently found out that they aren't for that purpose." Remus added as he walked closer to me with a raised eyebrow.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit!

"Heh...OH! I just remembered I have to uhhh...Get my car serviced! Yeah, I'll be going now, I have an appointment for 11AM and it's already 10!" I covered quickly as I attempted to run past Remus, out of the room before he grabbed my head and pulled me back in.

"Not so fast..."

Oh no, he definitely found out!

"You can't go out in your pyjamas." He said before leaving with his husband.

I let out a loud sigh of relief as soon as they left.

"That was close." I said to my baby.

I then changed into a pair of jeggings, a T-shirt and put on a pair of sneakers.

I was just about to step out of the house when Sirius called from the living room, "Hey kid, you forgot your car keys!" before tossing me the keys.

"Thanks Padfoot...I'll be back by 3PM." I said before exiting the house.

I then proceeded to drive off to St. Mungos where I would meet Neville and then we would get an ultrasound.

Once I reached, I looked around the waiting area to find Neville...I found him playing with a baby in a stroller while talking to the baby's mother.

I smiled and walked over to him and took the seat that he had saved for me.

"Getting rather excited, are we?" I asked before kissing his cheek.

"Very." He said to me with a smile. "Oh, and this is my new friend, her name's Aurelia." He added as he introduced me to the baby.

"Aww, hello Aurelia." I said as I waved at the baby. I then turned to her mother and asked "How old is she?"

"11 months." She told me with a smile.

"She's very cute." I complimented.

Just then, the nurse called our names "Ms Potter and Mr Longbottom."

Everyone in the waiting room started whispering and staring at us as we entered the room to see...Draco.

"I hate you guys." Was the first thing he said to us.


"Why didn't you guys tell me that you were expecting!? You broke the bro-code and the cousin-code." He said in disappointment.

"We didn't really tell anyone's just Ginny, Luna, Melody, Melanie and Hermione. And that too because they were all there when I took a pregnancy test at Ginny's Bachelorette party!" I defended.

"Wait...really?" He asked.

"Well, we were waiting to get an ultrasound before telling anyone so I won't be murdered." Neville answered.


"By the way, where's Healer Hoff? I booked the appointment with her." I asked.

"Oh, she's busy with an emergency delivery so she had to go to the patient's house. She's my boss so she told me I should take care of the ultrasound."

"Alright then." I shrugged as Draco led me to the bed before asking me to lay down on it.

After preparing me for the ultrasound, we finally saw our baby on the screen.

"You see that litte dot over there? That's your baby. It's very tiny right now." Draco pointed out and I could see that he was trying to suppress his wide smile.

Tears flooded my eyes as soon as I looked at it...this was my baby, my own baby. I couldn't even remember the last time I was this happy.

"It's beautiful." Neville said shakily as he kept his eyes fixated on the screen while intertwining his fingers with mine.

"That's our baby, Neville." I managed to say. The level of happiness I felt just looking at that little dot was something else.

"I know...I can't believe this is really happening." He said as he wiped away his tears and kissed my hand. "I love you and I love our baby." He added.

"It's so tiny." I said as I let out a chuckle.

"Is it a bad thing that I love our dot child more than I love you?" Neville asked while laughing.

"No, not at all. It's a very good thing." I said to him.

"Are you both crying?" Draco chuckled.

"Happy tears." We answered in unison.

*One hour later*

Since it was only 1 PM right now and I had told Sirius and Remus that I'd be back by 3PM, Neville and I decided to have lunch at a muggle restaurant that served South Indian food.

"I wanna see it again!" Neville said excitedly.

"Neville, you just had a look at it five minutes ago." I said to him.

"C'mon you know you want to see it too." He said as he gave me his puppy eyes. He's not wrong though...

"I'll pray to Jesus that our baby doesn't get your puppy eyes." I sighed as I pulled out the picture from the ultrasound out of the envelope and handed it to him...AGAIN.

"Exactly why I love this particular dot more than you." He said as he playfully glared at me.

"I'll add your dramatic instincts to the list."

"Excuse me for wanting to look at my dot's a very good looking dot though."

"You know what? You can keep the ultrasound after we break the news to everyone today." I told him, seeing how happy it made him.

"Wha- Really!?"

"Of course, I'm with our baby 24/7 anyway. And if looking at this ultrasound makes you so happy then you can keep it." I said to him with a smile.

"I love you!" He squealed before hugging me as we finished our food and got up.

"I love you too!" He said as he looked at our 'dot baby' in the ultrasound.

"Let's go to my house now, shall we?" I asked him.

"Maybe let's go buy some protective shields or something first. I'd like to be alive to see my child's face."

"You're being dramatic, Neville."

"Better safe than sorry."

"Oh my god."

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