Chapter 4 - Back To Hogwarts

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*1st September 1999*

It was 7 in the morning when someone pulled my blanket off of me, causing me to whine.

"Get up, darling. You have to go to Hogwarts today!" Remus said.

"But I've graduated! Let me sleep!" I whined as I covered my ears with my pillow.

"It's gonna be your first day as a Professor, remember?" Sirius said softly as he removed my pillow.

"Five more minutes!" I begged as I tried to pull my blanket but Remus already had a grip on it.

"Minnie said you have to be at school by 9, so if you don't start getting ready now, you will be late considering you take a long time in the shower." Padfoot said as he moved my hair out of my face.

"I don't take a lot of time showering, most of my time is wasted in covering up that damned mark on my arm!" I told them honestly.

"Annie..." My godfather frowned, "You know it doesn't mean anything. If anything, it only represents your bravery." He added.

"Tell that to the people who stare at it and judge despite knowing the story." I said as I got up. "Anyway, let's not sit with this depressing stuff, it's my first day of being a Professor and nothing will ruin my mood!" I said as I got up from my bed.

"Except maybe the fact that you forgot to iron your robes despite my reminders yesterday." Remus reminded.

"Oh no," I groaned.

"Don't worry, I've got you covered, kid." I heard Harry's voice say. I looked up to see him standing in the doorway of my room.

"Harry! I didn't think you'd come here!" I said as I stood up.

"Yes, I knew that you as usual would forget to iron your robes and then I'd have to do it for you. Thank me later."

"You are a life saver, Harry. I love you." I said before kissing his cheek.

"No problemo. Now, go and get dressed or you'll end up going in your shorts and...IS THAT MY T-SHIRT!?" He asked as he noticed that I was wearing his t-shirt that I stole from him last Christmas.

"It's mine, now." I deadpanned.

"I've been looking for it for months! I want it back!"


"I hate you."

"You love me. That's why you came here and ironed my robes for me." I said before going to the bathroom.

"I won't be saving your butt ever again!" He said through the door.

"You say that every time and always end up saving my butt!" I said back as I put paste on my toothbrush.

"Can you both for once stop bickering?" Padfoot asked out of frustration.

"Exactly, just this once!" His husband added.

"I'm getting late for work, I'm leaving." Harry snapped at me through the door.

"Yeah, so will I if you keep wasting my time!" I snapped back as I opened the bathroom door to glare at him with my toothbrush in my mouth.

"Brush your teeth first, it's disgusting!" He snapped again.

"Just go to work, okay?" I said to him. He just rolled his eyes and left.

"Why are you always fighting with your brother? He just came to iron your robes and wish you good luck." Sirius asked sternly.

I spat the toothpaste into the sink before answering him, "He gave me my good luck charm by ironing my robes himself and I fight with him because that's what keeps our sibling bond strong."

"Oh my god." Remus sighed before rolling his eyes.

"Whatever you say Professor Potter." Padfoot shrugged.

*Time skip to Hogwarts*

Once we arrived at Hogwarts, Minnie asked us new Professors, that was me, Neville and Dean , to stay in her office (which was the headmistress' office) until she came back.

So it was just the three of us standing in there.

"Is it just me who feels like we're about to get detention?" Dean asked.

"Nope." Neville and I answered in unison.

"Sooo...what're you guys teaching?" He asked.


"DADA, what about you?"

"Muggle Studies."

"Alright Professors, welcome to Hogwarts...again." Minnie said as she came back with the rest of the Professors (who had taught us as students), "I hope you all have designed your course structures, yes?"

"Yes." The three of us answered.

"Very well. Now, even though you know all of us over here seeing as you are our former students, I would like all three of you to get to know us as your colleagues." She said...let's just say it was very awkward as we couldn't help but see our Professors and not colleagues.

*At the feast that night*

The sorting ceremony had just gotten over and now, Minnie was about to announce the new teachers...that was us. It felt very weird sitting at the teachers table rather than the Gryffindor table.

"Students, may I have your attention please? Thank you. As some of you might know, Professor Sprout as well as Professor Burbage have retired, so in their place my former students, Mr Neville Longbottom and Mr Dean Thomas have agreed to take up the positions respectively." Minnie announced before Neville and Dean got up and did little bows as the Great Hall gave them a cheer...I swear I saw a lot of girls swoon

"And last but not the least, another one of my former students, Miss Anneliese Potter has agreed to take up the position as the Defence against the dark arts Professor." She added as I got up and did a little bow as well...the Great Hall literally burst into loud cheers as soon as they heard my name.

"I hope you all will adjust to these three new Professors and make them feel at home." Minnie said before adding, "Let the feast begin!" and then, the lovely start of term feast began.

It was great to be back at Hogwarts. Home sweet home.

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