Chapter 37 - The Longbottoms Go Shopping

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*Neville's POV*

28th June 2008, It had been 9 months since Anne and I adopted our youngest daughter, Jane (It took her some time but she warmed up to us) and well...since she shot that fucking bastard.

Anyways, Anne and Bishop's birthday was in two days and we were all planning a surprise party for them at the Hogsmeade cottage.

Currently, I was at the muggle shopping mall with the three girls. Anne was at Hogwarts, correcting N.E.W.Ts. Thank god for her workaholism. So, we were here.

We had just entered a gift shop. I put down Jane whom I was holding in my arms all this time and crouched down to the level of the three of my daughters.

"Alright team, go find the best gifts you can for Mum and Uncle Eddy." I said to them with a smile. The three of them nodded before they started running in different directions, "But..." I said as I pulled them back, "Let's recite the rules again" I added.

That has to happen when you have kids who throw stuff at each other when they fight in stores. Jane may not be our blood but she was no different from her adoptive sisters.

"We will behave. We won't throw stuff. We won't do anything so we don't get kicked out of here. And we won't talk to strangers." The three recited in unison.

"Good." I said before kissing their foreheads.

"Dad, no, it's embarrassing! I'm a big girl!" Alex said as she pushed my face away before I could kiss her forehead.

"I'm sorry, 'Miss Big Girl', how old are you?" I asked her offendedly.


"That's little." I said before kissing her forehead anyway.

"Take care of your little sister." I added to the twins.

"We will." They said as they held each of Jane's hands and walked off to look for a gift for their mother and uncle.

Now, what am I supposed to do?

I know that I won't get my present here. I was thinking of buying the Nintendo personal interests may or may not be involved, but then again, Anne LOVES video games too.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Jane's cry followed by Alex and Hazel's yelling.

"Listen here, mister! You don't get to make MY little sister cry and get away with it!" Alex yelled.

"She wasn't stealing, she was just looking at it like any customer would before buying something!" Hazel added.

I decided to go and sort out the situation.

"Excuse me, what's going on?" I sternly asked the salesman as Jane walked to me while crying before I picked her up and rubbed her back to soothe her.

The man just stared at me in shock as my twin daughters and I glared at him.

"Were you accusing my daughter of theft?" I asked.

"You don't have to swoop in to save, y'know? They're only the dirty scum of the society." He said as he narrowed his eyes at my daughter.

How dare he talk about her like that!?

"Is it because she's black? I must say I'm disgusted by you and your 'customer service'. Come on girls, we're leaving." I said before I started to leave with Alex and Hazel following while Jane was still in my arms.

"No way, she's actually your daughter." I heard the man scoff.

"I don't think I need you to tell me who's my child and who's not." I snapped as I turned around. "These three are MY daughters and I am damn proud to be their father so kindly F-U-C-K O-F-F." I snapped again before finally leaving with my daughters.

" do realise that we can spell words, right?" Hazel laughed.

"You can't use that 'spelling out bad words' trick anymore." Alex added. But at least it can work for Jane.

"Dad...what does Fuck mean?" Jane asked.

"Shoot." I sighed under my breath. "Don't say that, Love, it's a bad word..." I said to her.

"Can we go to the Video Game store now?" Alex asked.

"Let's go there and buy a joint present for mum." I said to them.


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