Chapter 28 - First Words

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24th December 2001, We were at Eddy's house, celebrating Christmas Eve and Anna's fifth Birthday.

Neville was supervising Hazel who was playing with George (Fred's son) and meanwhile, I was standing with Sirius (who was holding Alex) and Moony.

"HAZEL NO! FRED, ALICIA! TAKE YOUR SON!" I heard my husband yell.

"Neville, what happened?" I asked calmly as I walked up to him.

"Hazel said her first word and it wasn't Dada! It was Georgie!" He complained as he glared at George jr while holding Hazel who was giggling as she looked at her best friend (Yes, George was her best friend besides Alex) before saying it again, "Joe-gie."

"Hazel Weasley sounds nice." Fred teased Neville as he picked up his son.

"Never!" He snapped at him.

"So you can say Georgie but not Dada. You're such a little simp, Hazie." He scolded her as he sobbed.

"Like father, like daughter. Now you know how I felt all those years ago. Karma is such a female dog." Frank laughed.

"You mean bitch?" Anna asked him.

"Anna! Don't say that!" Melanie scolded.

"But why Momma?"

"Because it's a bad word!"

"But Dada said that Maths was a bitch when we were studying. And it was in that dictionary he gave me."

"Bishop, I swear to Merlin, we talked about this."

"Sorry, Love." My twin said sheepishly.

"Anne! Alex just talked!" Sirius shouted.

"Oh great, did she say Fred?" Neville deadpanned sarcastically.

"No, worse."

"Poppy Poop!" Alex said while giggling.

"Alex..." I frowned.

"I was honestly just trying to get her to say Poppy Padfoot. I'm so sorry."

"Well done, Poppy Poop." Alice deadpanned.

"Hey! it's Padfoot!" He argued.

"Poop!" James exclaimed as he pointed at Sirius. And now that was his first word.

"James no!" Harry and Ginny exclaimed.

"You broke the kids, Padfoot." Remus said to him.

"I never thought James Potter would ever call me a piece of shit." Sirius sniffled dramatically.

"Shit!" Hazel repeated.

"For the love of Merlin, stop talking, Sirius." Mrs. Weasley said to him as I took Alex in my arms and sat down beside Neville who looked like he was having an existential crisis.

"Hazie!" George Jr exclaimed as he giggled looking at Hazel.

" can't stop true love, Nev. Their first words are each other's names." Fred said to my husband.

"They're adorable!" Alicia squealed.

"No." Neville deadpanned.

"He's in shock, he'll get over it." I told them before getting up from the seat.

"You might as well say something." George said to his son who was in Angelina's arms.

"Broski!" Fred Jr exclaimed.

"I didn't mean literally!"

"Please remind me why I agreed to marry you." Angelina sighed.

"Please kill me." Harry said as he stood beside me. "Why is my son's first word 'poop'?" He added.

"Seems like Ginny and Neville are having an existential crisis." Eddy said as he came up beside me.

The three of us turned around to see them sobbing into each other's shoulders while holding Hazel and James.

"Well, so am I." I said as I rested my head on Harry's shoulder while holding Alex.

"At least your kids' first words weren't Poop." He said to me.

"Poppy poop!" Alex exclaimed again.

"Are you sure about it?" I asked my elder brother.

"She said Poppy first so technically her first word is Poppy."


"You guys are noobs." Eddy laughed.

"Yeah, because we didn't have kids at 15." I deadpanned.


"Yeah Edward, let's pretend Anna and Teddy are twins and today isn't her 5th birthday."

"Hah!" Harry said.

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