Chapter 52 - Telling The Longbottoms

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2nd July 2012, I was at the Longbottom Manor with the girls and Sirius to tell them that we were moving to America. The girls didn't know, I had only bought them so that they could meet Neville and spend some time with him before we go.

We had been here all day and I still hadn't told them. The girls had spent the entire day playing with Neville and basically just enjoying with him since they hadn't seen him in 17 days.

It was 9 PM, and they were tired so Neville put them to sleep in his bed. Meanwhile, I was in the living room with Sirius, Frank and Alice, and then he walked in.

"I need to tell you all something." I said as I finally felt a little brave.

"Go on, tell them," Sirius said softly as he rubbed my arm in comfort. He knew I was nervous.

"I'm uh...I'm moving to America with the girls...I got a job at Ilvermorny." I told them, sending them into shock.

"Y-You're moving...I-Is that why Alex and Hazel said th-that they haven't gotten their Hogwarts letters yet?" Neville asked sadly.

"I-I hid those. I didn't want to get their hopes up..." I said, not meeting his eye.

"Have you lost your mind!?" He shouted at me.

"Neville!" Alice shouted at him.

"No! Seriously, do you not see what's happening here? They're already upset because of the divorce and now you're gonna stop them from going to Hogwarts which is practically the only thing that's giving them happiness right now because they're looking forward to going there. Alex told me about this big entrance prank to do on their first day... Are you seriously just gonna take that from them?" He yelled.

"Well, this wouldn't be happening if you didn't do what you did!" I shouted with teary eyes as I got up.

"Then just say so! I'm the problem! I'll go!"

"Yeah, so they'll spend the rest of their lives thinking you left them! Wondering what they did wrong, why they weren't good enough!" I yelled back as the tears I had been holding back spilled out.

Why is it so hard for you to understand me, Neville?

"I'm sorry..." He sighed, realizing how I was hinting at my own feelings.

"It's fine." I said as I sat back down beside Sirius who looked livid and ready to murder Neville.

"Neville, I need to talk to you later." His father said to him sternly.

"I'll pick up the girls tomorrow..." I said to the three of them before leaving with Sirius.

We were sitting in the car when he decided to confront me.

"He cheated on you, didn't he? Is that the reason why you left him?" He asked sternly with his jaw clenched.

"Why is this your classic tactic? Confront Anne in the car where she can't escape. Ever since I was 16." I rolled my eyes.

"Just answer my question." He deadpanned.

"We weren't happy together Sirius. And besides, we were only school-time sweethearts. Most of those don't last."

"I don't buy it. I saw your face when you talked about the girls thinking about Neville leaving them. You can't hide it from me, kid." He said softly.

"So he did, I just have to accept it and move on." I sighed.

"Why are you even friends with that jerk? You should throw him out of your life if you ask me." He scoffed.

"He happens to be the father of my daughters, Padfoot. Why should they have to live without a father because of my personal problems with him?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because he's a big fat hypocrite who betrayed his own teachings about men. Not to mention he hurt you. And besides, they have a lot of father figures in their life even without Neville Longbottom."

"That's enough, Sirius."

"No, I'm not done! You gave him everything and he didn't value that!"

"I get it Sirius! That's the reason we're divorced! But he's a good father..."

"He was supposed to be a good husband too." He said under his breath.

"I know what I'm doing, okay? I'm not gonna take their father away from them."

"And let him hurt them like he hurt you!?"

"You know what? You can drive this car home, I'm taking a taxi!" I yelled as I was done with him and got out of the car.

"But I can't drive!"

"Exactly!" I deadpanned before sitting back in.

"I'm just telling you what's best for you and the girls." He growled.

"You're not my father, Sirius! Stop acting like you are! You're not and you have no right to tell me what to do and how to parent my kids!" I yelled at him.

"Maybe I'll take a taxi instead..." He said sadly before getting out of the car and walking down the street despite me calling out for him.

I banged my head on the steering wheel while groaning.

Why did I say that?

Why is everyone important to me drifting away from me?

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