Chapter 32 - The Notice

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20th July 2005, I was peacefully having breakfast with my family when the doorbell rang. I opened the door to see it was the muggle postman.

"Excuse me, does Ms Anneliese Potter live here?" He asked.

"That would be me." I answered.

"I have a notice for you. It's from the London Police." He said as he handed me the envelope. "Good day, ma'am." He added.

"Good day to you too." I said before he left.

I opened the envelope and read it. Turns out the Dursleys' prison sentence had now come to an end and now, they were about to be released and turns out that next week, Harry and I would have to sign some papers for completing the documentation of the case.

And that's what put me in a terrible mood.

"What's wrong?" Neville asked on noticing my expressions.

"See for yourself." I said as I handed him the notice.

"What 'appened, Mumma?" Hazel asked me.

"Nothing." I lied.

"Then why are you sad?" Alex asked.

"It's fine, love."

"Don't be sad, Mumma." Hazel said as they both got off their seats and came over to hug my legs.

"I can't be sad when I'm around you both. You're my rays of sunshine." I said with a smile as crouched down to their level and pulled them into a hug.

And then Tucker came over and stuck his head in too.

"You too, Tuck." I chuckled as I gave the three of them a kiss as Neville gave me a 'We should talk' look.

"Now, why don't you both go to your room so I can talk to Dada?"

"Okay Mumma..." They both said before leaving for their room.

Once they left, Neville turned to me and asked, "Are you okay?"

"It's been a very long time, it doesn't matter anymore."

"You'll have to go, won't you?"

"I'll just sign the papers and that would be it. I won't see them ever again." I told him shakily.

"I suppose Dudley would be there too."

"I haven't seen him since he managed to graduate high school."

"Do you plan on y'know...reconnecting with him?"

"Absolutely not. I'd rather not have any of them in my life now."

"And that's okay." He said before hugging me.

Just then, I noticed an extendable ear behind the couch. Neville and I shared a look, we needed to teach them not to eavesdrop.

We followed the chord that led halfway up the stairs and found our daughters who were crying as they held on to Tucker who was trying to cheer them up.

"Why are you both crying?" I asked them softly as we both crouched down to their level.

"Please don't get rid of us, Mumma!" Hazel sobbed as she hugged me.

"We promise to be nice!" Alex cried as she hugged Neville.

"We're not getting rid of either of you." He told both of them as we hugged them tighter.

"Never." I added as tears filled my eyes on realizing how they must have thought I was talking about them rather than the Dursleys.

I really should've checked first.

"'s okay. It's okay, baby...don't cry. We're not sending you anywhere." Neville said as he soothed Alex as I did the same with Hazel.

"We're family, okay? We don't leave each other, we stick together. So never ever think that we're going to leave you." I told both of them as I wiped their tears.

"Okay, Mumma."

"Now, who wants to play Mario Kart?" Neville asked enthusiastically.

"Me!" The girls squealed, no longer sad.

"I'm picking Peach!" Alex said to Hazel.

"You're always Peach!"

"So? You're always Daisy."

"I wanna be Peach! You can have Daisy!"

"Alright, neither of you is getting Peach. I'm taking Peach." Neville told them to break the fight.

"I'm taking Daisy!" They said in unison.

"Oh, now you want Daisy?" They said in unison again.

"I'm taking Daisy. You both can have Mario, Luigi, Donkey Kong, Toad or whatever." I said to them.

"I'm picking Mario!" They said together.

"Oh my god." Neville and I sighed.

What are we going to do with these girls?

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