Chapter 43 - Alex Has A Boyfriend

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*Anne's POV*

4th September 2009, I was sitting in the staff room of Hogwarts, glaring at the new transfiguration Professor (Minnie decided that it was too much for her with being the transfiguration teacher and the Headmistress all at the same time).

His name was Karol Evergreen, she was 25 years old, blond and innocent-looking (But definitely a bitch) and she won't stop flirting with my husband!

I don't know for how long I can play nice to her anymore.

I watched her and Neville as they joked and laughed together and she kept hitting Neville's chest and shoulder now and then while laughing.

Is this how he feels when I talk to Oliver?

"Anne...loosen your grip or else you're gonna break the quill." Dean whispered as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"If that bitch doesn't stop, I'm gonna hex the shit outta her." I said through gritted teeth.

"It's kinda funny how that sounds something like what Neville says when you hang out with Oliver."

"Oh please, we just talk, Oliver doesn't touch my boobs."

"You're lucky I have a context to that sentence. Also, Neville doesn't have boobs."

"What I meant was, why is this bitch touching my husband's chest?"

"Well, yesterday I caught her staring at his arse."

"Was she?"

He simply nodded to answer me.

I'm going to end this hoe if I catch her doing that the next time.

*That evening*

"Anne, what's wrong? Why aren't you talking to me? I really can't figure this out." Neville said to me in frustration as I had been ignoring him ever since we got home from work (which was 4 hours ago).

We were in the kitchen and I was trying to cook up some instant noodles for dinner (It was my turn to prepare dinner but I was in no mood for proper cooking).

"Push that pea brain of yours a little further, you might be able to figure it out." I said with sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Please look at me."

I didn't reply and simply went on to add the tastemaker to the pot.

"Anne, look at me and love me!" He whined like a child before hugging me from behind.

That never fails to put a smile on my face and now was no different, but I hid it from him well this time.

"You know I didn't get this mad at you when you smoked weed, drove to a club, got drunk, and then got arrested." He reminded me.

"Must you bring that up!?" I shouted as I turned around to face him.

"Yes," He answered before kissing my nose, causing me to giggle and blush like a silly school girl.

And then I proceeded to kiss him on the lips which soon turned into a makeout session as he lifted me up and pinned me to the wall as we kissed each other breathless...and we completely forgot about the noodles.


"Oh shit!" I said as I pushed Neville off of myself and turned off the stove.

"Soo...are you gonna tell me now?"

"It may or may not have something to do with your new friend." I answered as I threw out the burnt noodles.



" know you have nothing to worry about, right?" He asked as he took my hands in his, "I love you and only you, mkay? But not really...there are girls that I love more than you, they're called Hazel, Alexis, and Jane." He added playfully, causing me to smile.

"Mum! Dad! You won't believe this!" Hazel exclaimed as she ran into the kitchen with her twin hot on her heels.

"Don't you dare!" Alex shouted as she covered her mouth. "You're disgusting!" She exclaimed as she removed her hand from Hazel's mouth and wiped it on her pajamas.

"Anyways, I was saying, Alex has a boyfriend!"

"And she even kissed him!" Jane said as she walked in as well.

"On the cheek!" Alex exclaimed defensively.

"What?" I said out of confusion. I was almost sure she was gay but oh well, she's only 8.

"Who told you, you were allowed to have a boyfriend?" Neville asked sternly with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"More like her fiancé, he asked her to marry him. He even made a paper ring for her." Jane said with seriousness as Alex blushed as red as a tomato.

"What the-"

"She asked him for a pencil last week when they started dating and he proposed to her today during the lunch break." Hazel added.

"Now they're getting married tomorrow during the lunch break." Jane finished.

"It's pretty serious." Hazel nodded.

"As sweet as that is-"

"It's not." Neville deadpanned, cutting me off.

"Alex, you're too young to have a boyfriend, let alone a husband." I said softly as I crouched down to her level.

"And tell Romeo that your Dad owns a sword." My husband said sternly.

"His name's not Romeo, it's Joseph." Alex corrected him with an eye roll.

"Is his last name Tribbiani?"

"'s Rayan."

"Then forget it." I said simply.

"That makes no sense, mum."

"You're not allowed to have a boyfriend, Alexis and that's that!" Neville scolded.

"You and mum get to be married! Why can't I be married!?"

"Your mum and I got married when we were 19 and 20, not when we were 8! Child marriage is illegal!"

"Neville, calm down, she's not actually getting married, it's just a silly game." I whispered to him.

"And as her father, it's my duty to make sure no guy plays a silly game with her heart!"

"Dad, you're being dramatic!"

"My daughter tells me she's gonna marry a guy who leant her a pencil and that too a night before, and I'm the one being dramatic." He rolled his eyes. "I think it's time we tell her she's gay." He whispered to me.

"I could just divorce him by breaking his pencil 3 days later," Alex rolled her eyes.

"Plus, I've already written my maid of honor speech," Hazel added.

"So have I, and James said that he prepped his best man speech." said Jane

"Oh my god," I sighed under my breath.

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