Chapter 42 - You Aren't Teenagers! (2)

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After about 2 hours, all 4 of us were all cuddling on a sofa that was there(at the club), after getting exhausted from all the dancing.

Just then, a waiter came to me and served me a Martini before pointing towards a muscular hot guy who was surely way younger than me, he couldn't have been over 23...there's nothing wrong with having a little fun, is there?

"Anne, you won't do it, you're way too drunk!" Hermione warned.

"Look at you, Hermione, being all responsible even though you're drunk!" I chuckled. "C'mon, we never really got to enjoy these things." I said to her.

"Oh look, I got a drink too." Ginny smiled as someone sent her a drink as well.

"You aren't teenagers!" Hermione shouted.

"Why are you even trying?" Dea asked her as she let her head drop into her lap.

"Hey," I said as I sat next to him at the bar.

"Hey," He said back smugly before looking at the dark mark on my left forearm. "That's a cool tattoo you've got there." He commented.

"I don't really like it. I really regret getting it. I got it when I was 15. I was one gothic teen." I rolled my eyes.

"I see...what's your name?"

"Sylvia, what about you?"

I don't know why but I didn't feel like giving him my real name. I mean, I was just playing around.

"Robin, nice to meet you." He introduced as I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Robin."

"So, tell me something about yourself, Sylvia. Let's start with...what do you do for a living?"

"Let's see...I'm a school teacher."

"What do you teach?"

"Good question..." I remarked..."I'm too drunk to remember." I said, I mean I wasn't that drunk but I couldn't just say I teach Defence against the dark arts.

Just then, I saw the couple next to me having shots.

"You wanna compete?" Robin asked me smugly.

"You challenging me, kid?" I asked him with my eyebrows. "You know what? Let's do this shit! Waiter! Two shots please!" I added.

Just as we were on the 3rd shot, a crowd had gathered around us cheering, I could feel my head pounding but I CAN'T LOOSE TO A 23-YEAR-OLD KID!!!

"Anneliese Lily Potter get down from that table this instant!" Hermione yelled at me.

"So that's your real name?" Robin chuckled as he held the fourth shot in his hand.

"You should also know, I'm married and have three kids." I said before taking the fourth shot.

And after that, everything around me started to blur...oh shit I'm losing consciousness.

*10 hours later*

I woke up to a terrible pounding in my head as the events of the previous night played in my head and I still felt very hungover and couldn't think straight.

I looked around to see Dea and Ginny passed out with their heads resting on my shoulders. I saw Hermione nervously walking in circles in front of me while biting her nails.

I took in my surroundings...we were in a jail cell and I could hear the voices of Harry, Draco, Neville, and Ron discussing something with what seemed like a police officer.

"What the fuck happened?" I asked Hermione.

"You and Ginny passed out, Dea was super drunk and I was trying to drive the three of you back to the house but the officer caught us and charged me for drunk driving and then Dea got out of the car and took her top off and then we all got arrested." She explained with frustration.

Just then, an officer came up and said "You're free to go." and unlocked the cell.

I looked up to see Neville's disappointed face, so I got up, walked to him, wrapped my arms around him and hugged him, "You can take your anger out on me in bed." I said suggestively.

"Stop talking, Anne, you're hungover."

"I did not need to hear my baby sister say that." I heard Harry mutter awkwardly before he walked into the cell and picked Ginny up while Draco did the same with Dea.

*Neville's POV*

This is crazy, they go to take a vacation for three days and we have to bail them out of jail on the first day...and to think I could've been at home with the girls building a pillow fort, talking to Hazel about plants, watching master chef with Jane or getting my makeup done by Alex (Although the only part that I enjoy is when the three girls laugh looking at my face).

Anyways, right now, I was looking at Anne with disappointment as she walked towards me. She came over and wrapped her arms around my neck and suggestively said "You can take your anger out on me in bed."

That will be happening.

That's when I noticed everyone looking at us with wide eyes.

"Stop talking, Anne, you're hungover." I said to my wife calmly.

She then looked into my eyes and muttered, "I need to tell you something Neville, it's really important."

And here we go again...

"I have a big fat crush on you!"


"No! Listen to me! I wanted to ask you if you're single because if you are, I want to take you out for lunch."

"This is so amusing!" Ron laughed.

"I'm not single but-"

And then she started crying, "Why Neville!? Why don't you love me like I love you?"

"We're married-"


Well...that wasn't a lie...

"TMI! TMI! T. M. I!" Harry yelled after setting Ginny down on a chair.

"I need some bleach to pour into my ears." Draco groaned.

"Alright Anne, that's enough," I said to her as I hugged her while she cried, "Also, it might interest you that we're married and have three daughters."



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