Chapter 58 - Alex's First Kiss

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It had been a little over one year since me and Oliver's almost kiss. And well, it happened a few more times but I couldn't get myself to kiss him. I didn't want to fall in love again only to get hurt again.

Neville seemed to be handling his love life a lot better than I was and was now dating an Auror, her name was Trinity Wells. They had been together for a year...and she seemed to be making him happy...

But despite that, I'd still catch him looking at me longingly. As though he wanted things to be like they used to.

He was still my friend, but of course, we weren't as close as we used to be.

And if you couldn't guess, I was still in love with him.

20th November 2013, it was going to be the first Quidditch match of the season, Gryffindor v/s Ravenclaw. That didn't help because all it reminded me of was my first kiss with Neville.

But that doesn't matter, this was going to be Alex and James' first official Quidditch match! They were both chasers on the Gryffindor team while Hazel was one on the Hufflepuff team.

As the match went on, I realized that it was somewhat the end, Alex scored another goal, and at the same time, the Gryffindor Seeker Alia Malik caught the snitch, causing Gryffindor to win.

Oh god, please no!

Just then, one of Alex's friends, Keneth Winters came up to her to congratulate her.

Please don't do it, Alex!

Aaand she kissed him...

She was supposed to be smarter!

That caused Neville to get up and walk to the kid who was commentating, snatch his mic and yell, "ALEXIS LILY LONGBOTTOM YOU WILL STOP DOING THAT THIS INSTANT, AND YOU! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER UNLESS YOU WANT 50 BROKEN BONES!"

"DO YOU HAVE TO EMBARRASS ME LIKE THIS, DAD!?" Alex yelled back before running away crying.

Meanwhile, everyone around me, who was there when I first kissed Neville, was staring at me.

"I wonder where she gets that from..." Dean said sarcastically.

"Oh shove off!" I rolled my eyes before getting up as I briefly heard Minnie say "Like mother like daughter," under her breath.

"Honestly, you used to be so straightforward," Oliver commented from behind me.

That's right, I was straightforward...I still can be.

Fuck it.

That was what went through my head when I turned around to look at Oliver, "Yo Oliver, I'm still as straightforward as can be," and then I kissed him without warning.

I could tell that he was taken aback but then he kissed me too.

Once we pulled away, I noticed that everyone around us was shocked.

I then looked over Neville who had a look of shock mixed with sadness on his face.

"Now, if you all will excuse me, I'm gonna go and comfort my daughter rather than embarrassing her in front of the whole school," I said as I shot Neville a glare before walking right past him.

Time to teach Alex to be smarter.

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