Chapter 40 - Comforting Anna

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A/N: Thanks to @njis01 for the prompt of this chapter!

It had been a week since Anna got sorted and she still seemed upset about getting sorted into Slytherin (Despite getting encouraging letters from everyone) and I was determined to talk to her today since I couldn't get a chance before.

As it happened, I was currently taking the last lesson of the day for the first years (Hufflepuff and Slytherin) and she was in my class.

"And well, that's all about the Jelly legs jinx. But don't let me catch you using it on each other now!" I said to the students playfully before they started leaving with some thank you's here and there.

"Ms Tonks, I need to speak with you." I said to my niece when I saw that she was about to leave with the rest.

Once everyone left, I went over to her and sat beside her.

"You still troubled about being in Slytherin?" I asked her.

"How does it even matter?" She sighed.

"Anna, you remember our deal, don't you?"

"I don't have to hide anything from you, I know...I'm not."

Then I gave her a pointed look, "Okay fine, it's just that, everyone always says that I'm exactly like you and everyone likes you. A-And then suddenly I'm sorted into Slytherin and everything changes! And I also feel like maybe I'm a bad person. I mean, all the Death Eaters, Voldemort...they were all Slytherins! I mean I get that there are good Slytherins like Dad, Uncle Draco, Grandma Andy, and Grandma Cissy but still what if I become bad?" She explained.

" If it makes you feel any better, I was in Slytherin for a while too."

"Yeah, when you were infiltrating the Death Eaters! It was all acting, Aunt Lizzy, there's a difference."

"Well, it wasn't acting when it started."

"What do you mean? You don't actually mean to tell me you helped Death Eaters?" She asked in disbelief as she looked like I just shook up her fundamentals about me.

We had only told the kids that I had pretended to be dead to infiltrate the Death Eaters in entire conscience (That's what people assumed and that's what the History of Magic books said). Of course, I'd rather they never got to know but well, that wasn't possible.

"Well, not consciously. I won't go into details, all you need to know is that a Death Eater locked away all my memories, and then she put some false memories in my head and well, she switched me up entirely, it was like I was an entirely different person. A terrible person, her name was Sylvia. And she was sorted into Slytherin."

"You didn't become Sylvia on purpose?"

I shook my head no, "Not at first, everyone thought that I was dead. It wasn't until a few months later that I realized who I really was but even then my personality kept swinging between me and Sylvia. But it was already too late, by then I had gotten the Dark Mark and well, done some bad things."

"You got the Dark Mark?" She asked sympathetically.

"Why do you think you've never seen me wear anything other than full sleeves?" I said to her, "Anyways, my point is that Sylvia was a really bad person, you know why? Because she was made up of all the darkness and negativity in me."

"But you're not bad at all! You're so nice and kind!"

"Because I choose to act on the light and positivity in me whereas Sylvia acted on the darkness. Y'know when I was 15, well when I was half-Sylvia, I was feeling terrible because I thought that Sylvia was such a terrible person because maybe I was a terrible person. That's when Padfoot came over to me, hugged me, and told me something I remember to this day."

"What was it?"

"He told me that all of us have light and dark within us, it's the part that we choose to act on that matters. So if you think being in Slytherin would make you a bad person, no, it won't...not as long as your heart is in the right place. And I've seen you grow since you were born, I know yours is in the right place." I told her with a smile. "Being in Slytherin doesn't mean you're a bad person or that you're gonna be a bad person, it just means that you're ambitious, determined, and clever." I added as I wrapped my arm around her

"Thank you...I think that's all I needed to hear." She smiled back at me as she hugged me. "I love you, Aunt Liz."

"Love you too, Buttercup." I said to her before kissing her forehead, "And I'm so proud of you." I added as I rested my chin on top of her head.

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