Chapter 34 - First Day Of School (1)

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10th September 2007, 7 AM, this morning was more chaotic than any other morning in our house today because my in-laws wanted to be here as well. Today would be Hazel and Alex's first day of school, along with James, Fred and George juniors.

I think us parents were on crack when we decided that it would be a good idea for the five of them to go to the same school. It was a terrible idea. I can only pray for their teacher's sanity.

They were all quite the pranksters (Thanks to Padfoot, Moony, Fred and George seniors).

"All right, you're both in your uniforms." I said as I served everyone toast while Neville was sitting on the couch with Alex sitting on the floor in front of him as he braided her hair and then he would do Hazel's.

"Anne, are you sure you can't homeschool them a little longer?" Gran asked.

"I don't think so, Gran. Neville and I are usually too busy with work and well, homeschool isn't going to work out. Besides, I think it's best we expose them to muggle life as well." I replied to her.

"I think it's a good idea." Mum said with a smile.

"Thanks, Mum." I said to her as I served her tea.

"Why can't we just go straight to Hogwarts?" Hazel asked in disappointment.

"Because you aren't 11 yet." I told them.

"Anna is so lucky, she can go next year." She sighed.

"Can we get our wands early?" Alex asked.

"Absolutely not!" Gran said quickly.

They were already mischievous enough without wands.

"Just remember the rules, kids." Dad said to the girls.

"We will, Gramps, don't worry." They said in unison.

"Which reminds me, let's go over the rules again-" but they cut me off by reciting the rules.

"We won't talk about magic and pretend we're muggles. We won't use any wizarding terms during conversations. If anyone claims to be a witch or wizard, we will contact you through that mirror you gave us. We will try not to get too emotional and if we do, we'll go somewhere isolated in case we do accidental magic. And we won't think about snakes so we don't switch to parseltongue. And we will behave."

"And?" Neville asked sternly as he extended his hands to both of them.

"No Weasley products." They sighed as they both reached into their pockets and handed him some Ton-Tongue Toffees. I still remember how Fred and George had tested them on Dudley back in 1994, it was hilarious.

"I'm checking your bags." I said to both of them.

"There's nothing to see in there Ma." Alex said with a confident face.

"Yeah, nothing to see, it was all in our pockets." Hazel added.

"Nice try." I said to both of them before I picked up their bags and started checking.

"I think this is something to see." I said as I found 4 dung bombs and 2 puking pastilles in their bags...each.

"How do you always know?" Alex frowned.

"Because I'm your mother."

"Girls...I know, you're both trying to have fun but you can't expose the whole wizarding world for the sake of fun!" Neville scolded.

"Sorry..." They both said sheepishly.

"C'mere," Dad said to them before they ran to them.

"You can get them back when you go to Hogwarts." He whispered before winking at them.

"Good luck for when they get to Hogwarts." Alice said to us.

"I'm pretty sure we're doomed." We said in unison.

And just then, my phone rang, it was from Alicia so I picked it up.


"Please tell me you checked their bags and pockets."

"I did, and I've confiscated all of it."

"Great, thank you, I'll call Angie now, bye."


"Who was it?" Neville asked.

"It was Alicia."

"George's Mum?" Hazel asked.


"Did you fix the wedding date yet?" Alex asked. She and I were pretty sure Hazel had a crush on George, even though she won't admit it. But let's be real, Alex is her twin and I'm her mother, we know stuff. Neville was just in denial.

As for Alex, I was pretty sure she wasn't exactly straight by the way she fawned over Madame Rosemerta. But of course, he was in denial about that too. I teased Neville a lot because he said he used to fancy her when he was younger ("It must be painful to see your daughter steal your ex.").

"Shut up, Alex."

"There will be no weddings!" Neville scolded.

"Well...maybe when I'm older..." Hazel started.


"Keep telling yourself that, Dad."

"What is that supposed to mean!?"

"She means she's gonna elope with George either way." Alex said to him.

"No! I mean...eventually I will get Dad to agree to let me marry whoever I love when I'm older."

"No, you won't. I will break that whoever's legs." Neville told her sternly.

"And that whoever will be George." Alex teased.

"No! He's my best friend! Stop!"

"Heaven save these girls." Gran sighed.

"That's what Mum used to say about Dad."

"Who told you that, Alex?" My husband deadpanned. He told the girls that we had an arranged marriage because he wanted them to refrain from dating...I don't get it either.

"Aunt Ginny, of course."

"We know you guys didn't have an arranged marriage, Dad." Hazel rolled her eyes.

"Damn you, Ginny." He cursed under his breath.

"Alright, it's 7:30, we better get going." I said as I checked the time.

Dear God, please look after their teacher.

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