Chapter 55 - Mission Hogwarts

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*Alex's Flashbacks*

We were in James' room, playing Exploding Snap to get our minds off the divorce...well, except Lily just kept throwing the cards randomly just to create some noise.

Meanwhile, Remus and Jane were somewhere in the house, fooling around.

"What do you think Dad would've done for Mum to leave him?" I asked randomly.

"He loves mum like crazy, and she does too, I don't understand why they can't be together." Hazel sighed.

"I guess it's a grown-up thing that we won't get." James shrugged.

"Maybe Uncle Nevy called 'er fat," Lily added as she threw in another card.

"Okay, now that would be plain stupid, Lils." James laughed at her.

"She's four James, cut her some slack." My twin rolled her eyes.

"GUYS! We just found out something huge!" Jane said as she ran into the room with Remus behind her.

"Your Hogwarts letters just came in!" Remus chimed.

"Really!?" Hazel, James and I squealed in excitement.

We're gonna go to Hogwarts!

"Oh, don't get too excited! We eavesdropped on Mum and Uncle Harry...And turns out we're moving to America, Mum got a job at Ilvermorny...You guys are gonna attend there too." Jane dropped the bomb on us.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-" I was cut off by Hazel covering my mouth.

"Don't swear!" She scolded me as I rolled my eyes.

"You guys won't be coming to Hogwarts..." James said in disappointment.

"We had so many plans! It's not fair! I don't wanna go to Ilvermorny!" I shouted grumpily.

"Is Ilvermorny a flower?" Lily wondered to herself.

"I guess we'll have to accept it." Hazel sighed.

" won't." I said to her.

"Alex...absolutely not!" I mean...she is my twin, she knows what I'm thinking just by looking at me and vice versa.

"If she wants to move us, two can play that game." I shrugged.

"Do you have a plan, Alex?" Jane asked as she sat down beside me.

"Kind of, yes I do." I nodded. "You know how mum would never do anything against our will?" I added.

"Alex, we are not going to do anything that involves hurting her feelings!" Hazel shouted at me.

"If everything goes as planned, maybe we can even get Mum and Dad back together!" I shouted back.

"You think?" She raised her eyebrow as I nodded.

"Go on," She sighed.

"We're gonna do good cop and bad cop, alright? Oh and throw in a hostage too."

"I'm confused," James said.

"Just listen."


"So I'm gonna be bad cop, Hazel, you be the good cop and-"

"Let me guess, I'm the hostage?" Jane added.

"Yes, now, Mum's probably gonna hide the letters, so I'll pretend that I found them and act like I'm really mad, you'll take mum's side, Haze, and fight me and just be there for her after, and then I'm gonna floo to Dad's. Oh, and I'll take you Jane, you're the hostage, oh and say something sentimental before we leave, like maybe an 'I love you,' or something. She can't go to America without us, now can she?"

"And what if she lets you two stay with Dad and moves to America and takes me with her?" Hazel asked me.

"As if she'd abandon us. C'mon Haze, don't you know mum at all." I rolled my eyes.

"She can't abandon anyone, she's too nice for that." Jane said with a hint of a smile.

"And then she'll have to take back her job at Hogwarts and then she'll have to be around Dad and then she'll realize that she loves him and take him back!"

"Okay, but then what're you gonna tell Dad?" Hazel asked as I noticed that the Potter kids had zoned out.

"That we're not going back to Mum until she changes her decision." I said smugly.

"We can try," Jane and Hazel shrugged.

"We're calling this Mission Hogwarts."

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