Chapter 57 - Missed Kiss

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12th November 2012, it was around 5 PM, Jane was at day care. And I was walking around on Hogwarts grounds as I was trying to catch some fresh air.

Wandering, I found myself on the Quidditch Pitch which instantly reminded me of my first kiss with Neville. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't let go of my feelings for him. I had lost a lot of my love for him but I couldn't truly move on.

Harry had even set me up on some dates with some guys he knew, I told him to stop that because it wasn't working out.

He even set me up on a date with a woman, but that didn't work made me realize I'm bisexual and that caused me to chicken out of that date.

However, I found myself catching feelings for my former Quidditch captain and colleague, Oliver Wood.

Speaking of which, he was right here, flying around on his broomstick.

"Anne!" He shouted and waved as I looked up at him.

"Hey!" I shouted as I waved back and he flew down to the ground.

"Wanna have a match?" He asked with a smug look.

"Oh no, I haven't played Quidditch in years!" I told him with a chuckle.

"Since when exactly?"

"Since I got pregnant."

"C'mon, I bet you'd still be as amazing as you were." He requested.

"I don't even know if I could handle a broom anymore."

"Of course you can, you were a natural, bet you still are...Or did the great Anne Potter get scared?" He said the last part with a challenging tone.

"Oh, it's on!" I said as I accepted the challenge. I rushed to the broom shed where all the new school brooms were kept and picked one while Oliver took out a Quaffle.

We spent the next hour playing Quidditch and it was great, playing after so many years. I felt like the 17-year-old Quidditch captain again. I enjoyed the feeling of wind running through my hair, Quaffle in hand, ready to shoot another goal.

I actually won 70 to 50.

"See? I told you you'd be good," He chuckled as we got back down.

"I know! I honestly didn't think I'd last!" I laughed.

He smiled as he tucked some strands of my hair behind my ear causing me to blush.

"You're really beautiful," he complimented causing me to blush even deeper.

After a few seconds of silence, we both started to lean in. But...guess who chickened out? I did.

"I-I have to go and pick up Jane from d-day care," I said awkwardly.


"I-I'll see you later, Oliver,"

"S-See you later, Anne,"

We both nodded awkwardly before I left for Hogsmeade so I could apparate.

Why couldn't I kiss Oliver?

I just shook my head as I walked to Hogsmeade where I saw Neville walking and laughing with another woman as tears filled my eyes.

How does he look so normal after everything that happened?

I suppose my love never mattered to him.

Of course, it didn't, he let me go for lust.

I only held very little importance to him, if at all.

Stop it, Anne. He's your Ex-Husband.

I somehow managed to keep my tears in before apparating to pick Jane up.

And then the thought of Neville kept me up all night.

Why can't I stop loving him when he did so easily?

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