Chapter 10 - Breaking The News

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Right now, Neville and I were at the Hogsmeade cottage, standing in front of his grandmother, his parents, my godfathers, and both my brothers, trying to gather the courage to break the news to them (Neville made me put a lot of protective charms on him).

"Alright, why are we here?" Harry asked.

"They have something to tell us." Eddy said to him.

"What is it?" Auntie Alice asked tenderly.

"I have a few suspicions." Remus said.

"I doubt your theories are right, Moony." His husband said.

"We'd know if you both started talking rather than staring at us like that." Uncle Frank said as he crossed his arms.

"Go ahead, tell us." His gran said.

"Okay, first off promise you all won't get mad at us." I said.


"Sirius please..." I requested.

"I'll try but no promises."

"Oh well." I sighed.

"We promise we won't get mad at you." The rest of them said.

"Sirius, Remus, remember how I said I had to get my car serviced this morning? I lied...that's not where I went."

"So, for the first time in your good girl life you snuck out to have some fun? Big deal. I can't be mad at you for that." Sirius sighed in relief.

"I highly doubt that's what she's trying to say, Sirius." Frank said to him.

"Where did you go then?" Remus asked.

"To get an Ultrasound." Neville said as he held my hand.

"I think I know where this is going..." Alice said as she smiled.

"Just have a look." He said as he handed his mother the ultrasound.

Her eyes widened as soon as she saw it and her smile grew as she showed it to her husband who also grinned widely before handing it to Gran.

"Oh my..." She said before smiling as well and handing it to Sirius and Remus who then handed it to Harry and Eddy (He just looked very shocked to see it).

"What is this?" Harry asked with concern.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out.

"We're having a baby." Neville added.

"I'm so happy for you both! Congratulations!" Auntie Alice said as she got up, gave us both a hug and kissed our foreheads.

"We're gonna have a grandchild." Uncle Frank said exitedly.

"I wasn't expecting this but this really is good news." Gran said with a smile.

"I need chocolate." Moony said before pulling out a chocolate bar from his pocket and started stress eating on it.

"Please tell me I heard that wrong." Sirius pleaded.

"Anne said she's pregnant." Harry repeated to him in a 'please-let-me-hear-you-scold-her' kind of tone.

"I will slap you." I said to him through gritted teeth.

"Are you seeing that attitude, Remus?" Eddy tried to get me scolded as well.

"Seriously? I tell you guys I'm pregnant and the first thing you both do is try to bust me?"

"In our defense, we never get the chance because you're like the angel of this family whom no one believes can do something wrong." Harry answered.

"It's always you busting us to our respective wives and other adults, so excuse us for wanting to take our chance." Eddy added.

"I'M TOO YOUNG TO BE A GRANDFATHER!" Sirius yelled before getting up and grabbing my shoulders, "WHYYYYY?" He sobbed as he shook me

"Sorry, I guess..." I said.

Sirius then snapped his head in Neville's direction.

"Wait, if you're pregnant...that means YOU!" He said before he started chasing Neville.

"How else did he think I got pregnant?" I asked no one in particular.

"Realization always hits him late." Moony said as he got up and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Next time, don't lie about it, just tell us." He said before kissing my temple.

"Really? Aren't you mad at me?"

"No...Although I'm sure James is rolling in his grave and cheering for Sirius from the afterlife." He chuckled.

"And Mum would probably be smacking him upside the head." I laughed.


"Alright, I give up. I'm 40 and you're 20. I can't run more than this." Sirius said as he gave up and let himself drop on the couch.

"Good for me, I guess." Neville shrugged.

"I'm 20." Harry volunteered.

"I'm 19!" Eddy said as well.

"I guess we're just going to have 4 overgrown children running around here." Alice sighed.

"Nope, I'm the pregnant 19-year-old who would like to relax." I said as I dropped on the sofa as well.

"That's still three running." Frank sighed as we all saw both my brothers chase Neville.

"I'm in a happy mood so can I have Firewhiskey?" Gran asked.

"Oh, I'll get it right away." Sirius said smugly before going to get it.

"You do realize that there won't be any Firewhiskey Sundays for you for the next nine months, right?" Moony asked me.

"Eight months, I'm already one month pregnant."

"Well, that's one way to be optimistic."

I guess this revelation wasn't so bad.

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