Chapter 21 - Anne, Neville and Mario Kart

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14th January 2001, it had been exactly two months since Neville and I had gotten married and 5 days since I found out that he had applied for my maternity leave...which would be until September when the new session starts.

So, Minnie had to find a temporary teacher for the time being. However, I liked how much my students cared for me, they would come by our house and chat, leave some cards...most of them said that Neville and I were more like friends rather than Professors which actually makes sense because we weren't much older than them.

Neville and I had also bought a four-bedroom house together in London just one month ago and had it connected to the floo network so Minnie was okay with us living off-campus since we could just floo.

Anyways, right now, he was really pissing me off.

"Neville, you can just grade the tests later!"

"There's only a few more left."

"You've been saying that for the past hour!"

"Well, if you'd stop asking me the status every five minutes, I'd be done by now."

"Are you seriously blaming me for this?"

"I'm not blaming you! I'm just asking you to be a little patient, love."

"I didn't say anything when you ate all my fried chicken, all I'm asking of you is to play Mario Kart with me but apparently these stupid tests are more important to you than your own wife!"

"Alright...I didn't eat all of your chicken, I just had one bite, Anne. You ate the rest of it while watching that Bollywood romance movie...what was it called?"

"D.D.L.J" I answered.

"Yeah that! You ate it while watching that."

"Don't lie! You probably stole some of it while I was busy watching!"

"I was literally in the other room."

"Oh, so you were avoiding me?"

"I wasn't avoiding you! I was trying to correct my papers and you were watching the movie so I couldn't focus on my work!"

"Wow...two months into marriage and you've already stopped loving me."

"Hey! I haven't stopped loving you! I'll never stop loving you!"

"Then why won't you play Mario Kart with me!?"

"Because I have tests to grade!"

"Gosh, you're so boring! You could do with a leaf out of Raj's book." I sighed.

"Who the hell is Raj!?"

"You could never reach Raj's level of romance. Do you have any idea what lengths he went to break his beloved Simran's engagement that had been forced on her? And then there's you who won't even play a simple video game with me."

"Darling, you've been watching too much Bollywood romance for your own good."

"Oh, so now you've also got a problem with the movies I watch?"


"No, I'm breaking up with you!"

"Are you seriously going to divorce me over this?"

"Who said I'm divorcing you? I'm breaking up with you."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"That means have fun sleeping on the couch tonight." I snapped before leaving for the bedroom.

"Anne!" He whined.

But I didn't even turn around.

After a few seconds, I felt his arms wrap around my baby bump from behind before he whispered into my ear, "Please don't make me sleep on the couch. My neck still hurts from the last time."

"Then stop doing things that end up in you sleeping on the couch." I said to him as I turned around to face him.

"Alright, I only have 6 more tests left. Just let me grade them and then we can play Mario Kart, okay?"

"Okay..." I sighed.

After about half an hour, Neville was finally done with grading the tests and now we were playing Mario Kart.

As usual, I picked Mario and he picked Luigi...and then he kept throwing me off on the rainbow road because he kept getting the star power. But well, I got him back in Wario's gold mine.

"Mario, for god's sake stop killing me! We're married, remember?" Neville said to me...and yes, we called each other by our characters' names when we were gaming. Why did we do it? To be honest we don't know.

"Says the guy who kept knocking me off on the rainbow road!"

"You kept dying on your own! Admit it, you're terrible at the rainbow road!"

"Oh please, you manage to be terrible at the coconut mall!"

"But I'm still a beast on the rainbow road!"

"Minnie's better."

"She actually played Mario Kart with you?" He gasped.

"Yeah, she loves me."


"Hah! Take that Luigi!" I said as I knocked him off the track again.

"That's just violent."

"It's called revenge."

"Not my fault I kept getting the star power and you kept getting 'P.O.W' that kept bursting on you before you could pass it on."

"That was just bad luck! And besides, I'm the gold mine queen!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Love." He said as he sent a flying shell my way (Yes, I was in the first place).

"NO! What the fuck, Luigi!?"

"Have fun being 5th." He grinned.

"You're literally 11th." I deadpanned.

"Yeah, but your reaction was worth it."

"I hate you."

"I love you too."

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