Chapter 33 - Dursleys Out Of Jail

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27th July 2005, I had just arrived at the London Police station with Harry (I picked him up) and we were waiting for the constable to bring our papers.

Just then, Dudley walked in and we had an awkward eye contact before he said "Hi."

I simply nodded to acknowledge him as Harry said "Hey, it's been a long time."

"Yeah, it has." He said before looking at the wedding ring in my left hand and then he looked at that of Harry's.

"You're both married?"

"So?" I asked.

"Anne, don't be rude." Harry said as he nudged me.

"Harry, the last time I checked I was 24 and had enough smarts about how to treat different kinds of people."

"Anneliese, Harry, I know I said this years ago but I didn't mean it back then but I do now...I'm sorry for the way I acted like an absolute jerk with you both when I was younger."

"Because a sorry will fix all the trauma." I said under my breath.

"We forgive you." Harry said as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Speak for yourself, Harry."

Just then, I saw Hazel running in from the entrance.

"Mumma!" She shouted as she hugged my legs.

"Hazel, darling, where did you come from?" Harry asked her.

"I was hidin' in the backseat. Alex is at home distracting Dada."

"You need to stop doing that. You could've gotten hurt!" I said to her in worry as I picked her up.

They always find the weirdest ways to sneak.

"Is that your daughter?" Dudley asked awkwardly.

"Yes." I deadpanned.

"Why does she have different colored eyes?"

"Is that why you're sending me to jail, Mumma?" She cried.

"I made her cry, didn't I?"

"Wouldn't be the first time you've made someone cry." I sneered at him.

"Hazel, listen to me, okay? No one's sending you to jail. Your Mumma loves you. And your eyes are beautiful. There's nothing wrong with you, darling." Harry tried to cheer her up.

"Uncle Harry's right, love. C'mon, give me a smile." I said as I smiled at her as I wiped her tears before she flashed me her beautiful smile that she had inherited from her grandmother.

Just then, the constable came back with the papers.

"Excuse me, ma'am, you can't have a child in your vicinity while signing these papers."

"I'm not sure about that...she's quite the troublemaker, I can't leave her with anyone who's not me or my husband."

"Well...can you at least distract her?"


"Yes, Mumma?"

"Take my phone and listen to whatever songs you want, okay?"

"Okay..." She said as I gave her my phone and earphones.

After about 15 minutes, we were FINALLY done with signing the papers while Hazel sat in a chair that was in the corner of the room, listening to songs.

And then 5 minutes later, Vernon and Petunia were released and presented to us and we were given some time to talk privately. They looked much older as compared to the last time we saw them which was almost 10 years ago and they were wearing, prisoner clothes, of course.

"How could you even sleep at night after ruining our lives like this?" Was the first thing Vernon asked us.

"Just the way you did after ruining our lives." I deadpanned.

"We'll be on our way now." Harry said to them.

"Hazel, come on, we're going home." I called.

"Coming Mumma!" She said as she ran up to me.

"So you also have a child now? Did her daddy run away?" He taunted.

"Dad stop!" Dudley shouted. But he gets no brownie points.

"Vernon, don't." Petunia whispered to him.

"No, in fact, I'm happily married to him." I snapped at him. "Harry, take Hazel to the car."

"Aren't you coming?"

"Take. Her. To. The. Car."

He nodded, held Hazel's hand, and took her to the car.

"What did I tell you? At the end of the day, you will end up as a housewife."

"Well, it might interest you, Vernon that I'm way above that. In fact, I've become everything you said I couldn't be and I've done everything you said I couldn't do. And thanks for saying all that because it's what really motivated me." I spat at him with pure hatred.

"Freaks." He said as I turned to leave.

"Bark all you want, Vernon." I said without even sparing him a glance as I left and made my way to my car along with my pride.

I sat on the driver's seat beside Harry who was singing along 'Baby's got back' that was playing on the radio with Hazel.



"The song! My 4-year-old is in the backseat!"

"Oh please, she doesn't even know what it's about."

"Yes, I do. It's about a guy who likes doing it with girls with big butts." She argued.

"Oh, Merlin. Anne, you have been polluting this child's mind."

"What exactly is 'it', Haze?" I asked in concern.

"I don't know, kissing?"

Thank Merlin

"Well, at least she doesn't know what 'it' really is...But close enough." Harry shrugged.

"Then what is it?" Hazel asked.

"I'll tell you when you're older." I told her.

"Trust me, you don't wanna know yet." My brother said to her as I started driving.

"It's wrestling, isn't it?" She asked.


"Alex said that you and Dada wrestle at night for fun."

"Every night?" Harry asked her as he looked like he was ready to murder my husband.

"For the love of Merlin Harry, Neville and I are married, we can wrestle whenever we want and it's not every night."

"Stop talking like you didn't wrestle before you got married. You were pregnant on your wedding day."

"You wrestled with Ginny in your 5th year, don't come at me."

"It's not wrestling either, is it?" Hazel asked again.

"When you're older, Haze."

"I really shouldn't have played that song." Harry sighed.

"For once, you're right."

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