Chapter 45 - The School Play (2)

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*Anne's POV*

After about 15 minutes, Remus arrived too and sat on the seat in front of me, beside Alice who had only arrived with Frank about 10 minutes ago.

"How're the kids, is Hazel nervous?" I asked him.

"Very...oh, and she knows you hate her American accent." He said as he shifted his gaze from me to my husband.

"I think I should go talk to her." Neville said to me with worry written all over his face. Now, he could bear anything in this world except one of his little girls being upset especially if it's because of him.

"Oh, she'll be fine, don't worry." Alice said back with a smile.

"And besides, I told her, she can just use her normal accent, it won't make much of a difference," Remus reassured him.

"Plus, Snow White is German, not American. Most people don't know that." I added.

"It's not American?" He asked me with furrowed brows.

"You do know that Snow White doesn't originate from Disney, right?"

"I need to get my facts right...I can't believe Snow White's German."

"It's okay, I didn't know that either until I googled it out of curiosity."

"I'm almost thirty years old...why am I finding out just now? My life has been a lie." Harry commented.

Just then, the curtains were lifted to reveal Alex standing in the middle of the stage wearing the black T-shirt and blue jeans she wore before leaving the house with the script of the play in one hand and a mic in the other.

She looked over at me, made eye contact, and smiled at me as I did the same before she started speaking.

"Hello everyone, my name is Alexis Longbottom, I'm 8 years old and am in 3rd grade, I'll be your narrator for this story. Now, before we start, I'd like to introduce all the actors."

"First of all, there's Hazel Longbottom as Snow White...and in case you're wondering, yes, we're twins." She said as Hazel walked onto the stage in rag-like robes that she had worn over her SnowWhite gown.

"Moving on, there's Jane Longbottom, who is also my little sister, as Happy the dwarf...then we have my weirdo cousin, James Potter as the ugly version of the Evil Queen, you can probably see why."

"Hey!" James shouted as he walked up on the stage while glaring at Alex.

"My idiot friend Fred Weasley as Dopey because they're both dumb."


"Yeah, whatever now there's Fred Weasley's cousin, George Weasley playing Romeo- I mean the prince...No one really knows the prince's name for some reason."

"Maybe because it was never said," George said while glaring at her.

"Great, so we can call him Romeo."

"No, we won't."

"Let's not argue on stage, yeah Georgie?"

"Geez...I wonder where she gets that from?" Harry commented sarcastically before looking over at me.

"I will hit you."

"I will hit you." He mocked me.

And then I mocked him mocking me and we were just making weird noises at each other while Alex kept on introducing the rest of the characters.

"Hush you two! You're both almost thirty, not 14 and 15."

"Yeah, Anne, start acting your age." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Who the hell made you a cop? You can't even take a simple hint." I said back.

"Alright Mum, Uncle Harry, dunno if you guys realize this but you're being loud enough for everyone to hear and it's kinda embarrassing..." Alex announced...on her fricken mic.

Being called out by my own daughter in a room full of over 200 middle-aged parents and grandparents gave me flashbacks to the time at Hogwarts when our names came out the goblet of fire...except this time it was actually our fault.

"Sorry, go on." I said as we both tried to laugh it off.

"Yeah, just another sibling fight, nothing to see here!" Harry added as Ginny facepalmed and mumbled something like "Is it too late for a divorce?"

"I think so," Neville whispered to her playfully.

"You both owe each other five." Remus reminded sternly as we both slumped in our chairs.

"So as you all can tell, my family is totally normal because the adults definitely act their age. And on that note, let's start this show!"

"Awex is my favwith cousin." Remus jr giggled as he was still sitting in my lap.


"Snow White is sweeping the floor of the castle while talking to birds because we copied this script from Disney...don't expect us to sing though because this isn't actually Disney..."

These silly little jokes that Alex kept cracking were the main thing that was keeping the crowd entertained. I bet the drama teacher would disapprove but she can't stop Alex now that she's on stage and everyone's laughing in the audience.

Just then, I noticed Alex's eyes go wide as she took a look at the script and she looked somewhat nervous which is weird because Alexis Longbottom was the farthest thing there is from a nervous kid.

She looked up at Hazel and had one of their eye-to-eye conversations only they could understand and then Hazel looked visibly panicked too.

She took in a deep breath and nodded to Alex.

What is in that script?

Alex took in a deep breath and continued reading out of the script.

"She gets up from the floor and walks to the well that was nearby," Alex explained.

"I wish one day I'd be able to get out of this constant loop of my boring life." Hazel sighed as she leaned over the well that was made of thermocol.

Wait that's not the normal Snow White.

"Just then, an idea struck her mind."

"I should take a break and collect some berries."

It wasn't until that dialogue that I realized that this was Neville's version of Snow White...this would be weird.

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