Chapter 1

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It was my first day at my new job. I was so happy, because I finally got the job I dreamed of becoming it one day.
Now Iˋm there were I always wanted to be. I am the new Team Principle of the Ferrari Formula 1 team.

It was Austrian Grand Prix. As soon as I entered the Paddock, all of the Interviewers asked me Questions about me. Unfortunately they all knew who I am. But I kept walking to the Ferrari Motorhome. But on my way there I bumped into someone. I wasnˋt looking who it was... I jut apologized as soon as possible to not be unfriendly at my first day.

But when I finally looked up I saw who it was...It was Max Verstappen...One of the Drivers of the Red Bull Racing Team.

Max:"Hey. Iˋm so sorry...I-I wasnˋt looking where Iˋm going!"
Y/n:" Hey its not your fault...I wasnˋt looking neather where Iˋm going!"

We both stand there and just look eachother in the eyes. But suddenly...

Max:"Whats your name? What are you doing here? I didnˋt saw you here before.."
Y/n:" Believe me...Youˋll find out soon!"
You wink at him and find your way to the motorhome.

You entered the Motorhome and directly see Charles Leclerc. He just stares at you.

Carlos out of nowhere:" Hey! Charles stop staring at my sister!"
Charles:" What... Your Sister... So, Sorry Miss Sainz?"
Y/n:" You can call me Y/n...Iˋm your new Team Principle. Iˋm going to bring Ferrari back where it belongs to."
Charles:" Oh, so Y/n...You have enthusiasm. I like that. Do you have a boyfriend or someone youˋre in love with?"
Carlos:" Charles! Please, itˋs my sister!"
Y/n:" No Carlos itˋs okay. No I have nobody. Nobody wants me, and I want nobody...It was nice to meet you."
You said to him and give him a little wink. You straight go out of the room and search your way to your office.

All about us - Y/n Sainz  Where stories live. Discover now