Chapter 45

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After the track walk Max and you ge and get sonething to eat. Since it was the first GP here, you didn't knew where to get something. Google Maps got you to some italian restaurant. You eat something and it was like heaven on earth. The pizza was just the best you've ever had.

You two find your way back to the track and get ready for the strategic meeting. After that your brother sends you a message.

Hey little what are you planning to do in the evening?

Max and me wanted to stay at the hotel and do a movie night. You wanna join?

Shure... But can I bring Pierre, Daniel, Lando and Charles? We wanted to do something and I cant cancel them again.

Shure! Just make shure that they'll bring some snacks. 😂 That is the only thing that isn't there.

I'll make shure that they'll bring all of your favorite snacks. 😂

You tell Max about this plan and got back to the hotel to get everything prepared. You procures some blankets and pillows for them and lay thrm down on the couch and the bed.

At 8 the all come over with your favorite snacks. You and Carlos just laugh as they all start to ask why they had to bring such special snacks.

Max gets it. He laughs with you and Carlos. None of them gets it, so they start to lay down at the couch and the bed.

You don't know what movie you wanna watch. In the end Lando suggests a marvel movie with Tom Holland. Since he was wearing the t-shirt with Tom Holland sipping some tea.

In the end you all were watching the spiderman movies with Tom Holland. be continued...

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