Chapter 49

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Finally it's Race Day in Jeddah. In the morning Max had to train some more, so you just joined him. Since the hotel has got a gym you went there. After like 2 hours you were finished with your trining sessions.

Max:"You want to get some breakfast? Your brother told me a nice little place to get something."
Y/n:"Sure. Lets go and try it."

You just fo to a little cafe. They sell all the things you could imagine for a perfect breakfast. Max got something of everything, because he could not decide for just one thing.
On your walk back to the hotel, you met a few fans. They wanted to take some pictures with Max, so you just took them. But one of them asked you for picture and you just wanted to take that pic of her and Max, when she said that Max should take a pic of her and yourself.
You were excited. It was the first person ever, that wanted a photo with you. Max was totally perplex, when he should take that picture.
After that you were the happiest person on the whole planet.

Max:" Y/n.. Did that girl just asked you for a photo?"
Y/n:" I think so... But I still don't understand why. I mean I am not that special, especially when you are walking right next to me."

You two start to laugh and walk back to the hotel. There you eat the rest of your breakfast and got a shower to get ready. After that you had to leave for the Race.

At the track entry.

All the paparazzi are taking pictures of you and Max walking past. But one directly speaks to you.

Paparazzi:" Hey aren't you Y/n Y/l/n. I know you from somewhere. Can you just stop for a second, so I could take a picture of you?"

You stop infront of him and he takes a few photos. After that you and Max can finally enter the track. be continued...

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