Chapter 65

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Next morning you wake up and immediatly have to run to the bathroom because you are getting sick of this morningsickness which is caused from your pregnancy. Max gets awake while you were running away and out of the bedroom. He gets out of bed while half asleep and walks after you to hold your hair back he thought. You think that he had a good idea but he was way to slow, because as he enters the bathroom you are already washing your hands.

Max stands in the doorframe and looks at you like a car. 

Max" Are you kidding me?I am half asleep while I am standing in this damn doorframe to help my fianceè with her morning sickness, but no..I am completly useless...Just for your little pregnancy brain, next time run calmer out of the bedroom so the best future dad can have his beauty-sleep, because when our little miracle is with us sleep will be rare stuff for us..."

You" Thank you babe for this cute little speech, but just for you to notice, if I need help the next time I am screaming your name and you could have been sleeping if you just walked back into bed, instead of talking this many words in the morning..."

Max turns around and goes into the bederoom with a straight back and highly hold head like a king of some monarchy country. But you do just as max does and go back into bed for another few hours since it is just 4 am.

At 10am you two finally get up. By the time Max has finally gotten enough sleep to be usefull and talk to. As you go into the bathroom max ask you if you need him and starts to laugh because he thinks about this morning. But you just keep walking and get a shower. After you get ready and dress up into your golf clothes. You walk down into the kitchen, where Max is already finished with making you some breakfast, an avocado-toast

Max"Here you go sweetie...Why are you wearing your golf clothes?"

You"Because Santa invited me to a game of snowboarding you idiot. I have told you that the other day."

Max looks at you with the serious face he never ever made to you by now, but a few seconds later...

Max" Ahh sure I remember. Also you told me that I have to get you there to finally get my easterpresent from 2013 which my mum had forgotten behind the thanksgiving-turkey.

You" Yeah see, I tell you everything if you would listen me any time I start to talk to you. But seriosly...Lando, Charles, Alex and Carlos invited us to the golf course to play some holes with them today after the breakfast.

Max" Okay then I have to rush. I will be down here again in 10 minutes, so you also have to rush with your sweet little avocado-toast."

Max goes upstairs for a fast shower, dresses up into his golfing clothes and gets his clubs. Just in exactly 10 minutes he is back downstairs, with your clubs in the other hand. You grab your last piece of toast and walk up to him kiss him  and walk out the door to the car. be continued....

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