Chapter 4

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Y/n:"Listen Charles...You are a kind and nice guy..."

He thought he knew what you are going to he interrupts you

Charles:"Y/n, before you keep talking...You are right we should not do that. Because of your Brother and...."

You laughed

Charles:"What is so funny Y/n, that you have to laugh? I wanted to ask you out and you donˋt want to go on that date with me...Itˋs okay..."

He wants to leave, but you just laughed a little bit but hold him back then.

Y/n:"Charles, you should let a woman speak out her sentence...then you would have heard that I just wanted to say yes to that date...So if you still want to go on that date with me...We could do that..."

You laughed and look at him

Charles:"Oh my god, I definitely had should let you finish you sentence...he laughed...but now you are going out with me Iˋll pick you up a 8pm at the hotel lobby!"

He walks of without any goodbye or something.
The day went bye fast, after the talk with Charles, you went to that Team meeting...You all talked about Sunday Race strategies and some more important stuff...
Now it is 7 pm. You got in your hotel room, maked yourself looking fresh as a daisy and got ready for the date. It was 8pm and you got down to the hotel lobby, but Charles werenˋt there at the moment. So you sat down and scrolled through your Instagram. But now you sat there for like one and an half hour and Charles didnˋt arrived yet.
Your just wanted to leave as Max comes up to you...

Max:"Hey Sweetie...What are you doing here in this beautiful dress...Are you waiting for someone?"
Y/n:"Yeah I was waiting for someone...But he didnˋt showed up! So i just wanted to go to my room at this moment!"

Max looks up and down your body

Max:"That beautiful dress should not be hang back to your wardrobe unused...
Letˋs go to a Restaurant, Sweetie!"

He holds out his hand for you to get up. You just agreed with his idea and you two head to his car in front of the hotel. He opened up your door as a gentleman does and goes right after it to the the drivers door and also gets in the car. You two drove to a restaurant on a mountain. You two get in and were headed to a table right at a window that showed all of the valley under the restaurant. You were fascinated so you could not get any word out of your mouth. You couldnˋt believe Max went here with you. Even though you two didnˋt planned to go out this evening, You totally forget about Charles and what he did. You just enjoyed the time with Max and the view out of the window.

... To be continued...

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