Chapter 13

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Max:" You know what...If you want to go then we go if not...then we wonˋt go. Sooooo Sweetie...What do you want?"
Y/n:" I donˋt know...Maybe he has got over the thought that you are bad for me? So weˋll go..."
Max:" Ok...Then you should call Carlos back, to plan the evening. I think I have to go to my engineers now, but after the race we could go ceebrating, I think you and me will have time, but not also weˋll have time. Since the race is over then your brother also will have time."
Y/n:" Your right I wouldnˋt have thought so, if you werenˋt in my life to do this job for me!!!"

You two laughed. Max kisses you before he leaves to his engineers. At the moment he went out, you instantly call Carlos again, but Carlos did not pick up his phone. So you just walked over to the motorhome. But since you switched the team, you arenˋt allowed to go in. But for your luck, Charles just walked by in time to see you standing outside the motorhome. You wave, so he registrates you. Charles opens the door to hear what you want.

Charles:" So there is the lady that goes on dates with another guy, even though he is planned in with another guy for a guy, that gave everything for this girls date, to let it be the best one sheˋll ever have. What does this girl want, back here at her first Formula one job, which she switched out, because of the guy who helps her out when the other guy was preparing the best date of her whole life?"
Y/n:" Soooo, are you finished Mister Philosoph?(Charles nodds) Then...first of all this girl has a name....You know her name...itˋs Y/n...a really wonderful name. Second of all the one guy just wanted to donˋt waste her whole evening, even though the other guy who didnˋt even came after two hours wanted to prepare the best date of her life...Third of all...That is why I am here...I want to talk to my brother. since he does not pick up his phone. I had to walk up here. And since I switched the team, for my career, I cannnot enter this motorhome...So could you please get my brothers ass to this door, so I could talk to him?"

Charles just looks at you and walks of to get Carlos.... be continued...

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