Chapter 20

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Itˋs 8pm and there is a knock at the front door of Max his apartment. You open up and see Daniel standing in front of it with a packet of pralinés and a little flower bouget in his hands.

Daniel:" A little present for the hosts of the little dinner. I hope itˋll be good, otherwise Iˋll have to go...Can I come in? Did you cook or did the chef Max Verstappen cook ths master dinner?"

While Daniel says all that things he just entered the apartment and went straight to th didnig room.

Y/n:" Hey come in, nice to see you again...Oh ad Max tried his best to cook. But I wanted to do it, he was faster in the kitchen so he wanted to cook for you...But what he does not know, is that I prepared a little thing too. Just incase his food is not good to eat."

Meanwhile Max enters the room and sees Daniel. Without any other talking....

Max:" Kiki ay!"
Daniel :" Kikiki ra!"
Y/n:" Where did I land... Please Jesus save me and get me to a better place! "
Max:" Ey... Why? Am I so bad for you.... Mrs future Verstappen?"

You look at him and blush...

Y/n:" What did you just say?"
Daniel:" Oh My God... "
Y/n:" Max... What did you just say?
Max:" I said... Am I so bad for you Mrs future Verstappen?"

While he says that he gets down on one knee. You start to cry, because you know what will happen. Daniel just sits there. He knows about Max his plan. That's why you are at home at Max's and not at Daniels.

Y/n:" No Max.... Max what is going on... Daniel do something...Kiki ay! Or something like that!"
Max:" Y/n we know each other not long... I mean we know each other for just 9 months. But I already know that you are the love of my life. And the woman I want to share all of my ups and lows. You are the woman, I want to be the mother of my kids. And you are the woman, that I want to wake up next to every morning for the rest of my life! So Y/n do you want to be my wife? " be continued...

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