Chapter 38

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After Max finished talking with the boys he finally comes to help you.

Y/n:" You did not answer my wuestion earlier. What do we do with all those F1 pictures. I mean some of them are okay... But we can't hang up 56 framed pictures."
Max:" You're right. What about I choose my favorite ten so we can hang up them. And the other we can lay in my streaming room. There I have a bit more space for the rest. "

You nodd and go to unpack the rest of your things. In the meantime Max tries to figure out which ones he want to be his top ten pictures. But after you come back around an half of an hour later he still sits there and did not move in this time.
You come in the room and burst out laughing.

Y/n:"I thought that I have Decision-making difficulties, but you're shouwing me that you are the next level of it"

Max laughs.

Max:" That is not an easy decision. I love all of the pictures. That is the cause, why I did not hang up one of them in 4 years. I couldn't make a perfect decision."
Y/n:" What about we make a random choose. We do a wheel and spin it ten times."

Max nodds and you download an app for a wheel. You write down all the pictures and spin ten times. Then Max was happy aboit the selection the wheel took. He hung up the pictures and you put away the rest of them in Max his streaming room. Nothing more interesting happened then. be continued...

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