Chapter 35

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Now that all the things are planned you could calm down. But there also was a team to manage. Since the Race is tomorrow you have still a lot of things to prepare. A few more hours of working and you finally can go back to the hotel. Since Max went there straight after Quali, he waited there for you. As you entered the room, you saw Max sitting on the bed surrounded with a lot of snacks, your favorite joggers and a flower bouquet of your favorite flowers. You stand in between the bed and the hotel room door.

Y/n:" Max what is wrong with you?(he raises an eyebrow) Why are you so cute? I've never met a boy like you."
Max:" I don't know. It's just you, Sweetie. And only that you know. Thatt does not mean that somethings wrong with me."

You two laugh and Max stands up from the bed. He walks up to you and picks you up. You two kiss.

Y/n:" You know that this moment would have been a better moment to engage, don't you? "

You laugh and Max gets down on one knee.

Max:" Y/n sonce we thought the same I'll ask you again. And I'll hope for the same answer as a week ago. Y/n y/m/n Sainz.... Will you still marry me? "

You let him wait a bit longer so he would overthink your answer and gets a bit "angry". Then you begin to laugh.

Y/n:" I don't know... You know... YES.. shure what did you think I would say? All of my stuff is on the way to your apartment. So quick you won't get rid of me"

Max stands up and laughs about it.

Max:" A little moment I thought you would say no. But you're right.. Your things are the only thing that holds you at my side. And now get into your favorite joggers and cuddle with me. I searched out a movie, so you can fall asleep after this long exhausting day"

You look at him and kiss him. Then you get changed into the joggers and jump next to Max onto the bed. Then he turns on the movie and you instantly fall asleep. Max just laughs and fall asleep aswell. be continued...

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