Chapter 29

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After all the meetings you were so exhasuted that you just wanted to go to the hotel. But then Max comes by.

Max:" Hey Sweetie... You ready for the party?"
Y/n:"Oh god... That was today? I..."
Max:"You're exhausted right? All the meetings were just to much. But now that is finished for the whole weekend. All strategies are planned and everything is prepared for the race. So a bit of fun at the party should be in or not?"
Y/n:"Yeah you're probably right... But.."
Max:"Didn't you want to have fun with Pierre?"
Y/n:" Oh shoot...Pierre...! Baby? Lets go!"

You take Max his hand and walk to the party. Max just laughed and wanted to hold you back. So you stopped and wanted to keep walking, but Max was so strong that you just walked on the spot. You turned around and stared at Max.

Y/n:" Why are you stopping me? Pierre is waiting for me...If he breaks out because I am to late then ¡tienes el problema aquí! (then you have the problem)"
Max:"Wait again please....You know that my spanish is rusty."
Y/n:"Oh it wasn't that big of a thing! Let us just go to that party and have fun...."
Max:"If you say so... I hope I can believe you Mevrouw!"
Y/n:"Mevrouw? Dutch... Are you serious? I do not talk any dutch..."
Max:" It just means Madame... Calm down my little spanish girl..."

You look at him and blush.

Y/n:"¡Eso es tan lindo estafa! ¡Te amo a la luna y de regreso! (this is so cute of you! I love you to the moon and back again)"
Max:" Since I heard te amo i believe that you said something about you love me... And that is so sweet... Ik hou ook van jou(I love you too) . But now lets go so you and Pierre can finally talk. " be continued...

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