Chapter 26

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Max:" Now its official. But you should know that fans will always hate you for an irrelevant cause. They'll always find something on you, that they don't like! But think of what my mum said to me: when people don't talk about you in any way, you also could die! "
Daniel:" That's true. My mum also told me that when I became an F1 driver. It keeps me at de ground and don't let's me think about what people hate about me. "

You thought about it while the fly to Quatar. Since it was an eleven hour flight, you had enough time to think about it. As you landed in Quatar you saw Pierre and Lando also stepping out the airport.

Y/n:" Pierre...Whats up man? Long time no see! "
Pierre:"Y/n. Nice to see you again. I'm glad you ask..."

You totally forgot about Max, Daniel and Lando But Pierre also does. You two were so into talking, that you forget about everything around you. Pierre and you walk to Pierre his car.

Max:" See. Give Y/n a Pierre and she'll be happy. She'll even not notice you. Look. Y/n?

He screames your name after you, but you did not notice it. Lando, Daniel and Max laugh about it and walk just behind you two so you and Pierre would not walk into a river. But after a while you two get out of your bubble and got both into your own cars. Max laughs about it and drives you two to the hotel your staying at. be continued...

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