Chapter 22

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Next morning you wake up and go to the bathroom. You get under the shower. A few seconds later Max enters the room....

Max:" Sorry, Sweetie... I am going to turn out..."
Y/n:"Max... Its nothing you've not seen already... Stay and get ready!"

You two laugh and Max enters the room again. He gets ready and you shower.
After you two are ready you look at your phone because Daniel texted you.

On the phone.

Hey wanna go out for breakfast?

Shure meet you in 1 hour!

Right see you there.

At the cafe

Daniel:" Hey you two lovebirds. The freshly engaded couple! How are you?!"
Y/n:" I think we are fine. So is myself... But I am hungry... And I think my fiance is so too."

Max laughs and nodds. So the three of you go and sit at the table. You order the food and waited for it. Meanwhile a few fans come by and see Max and Daniel from passing by. So they come up and wanted to take a picture with them. They took it and go away. But what you not noticed is.... That they also took a picture of you and Max sitting at the table.

Later that day, you lay on the couch and open instagram. Then you see that you have a thousands of messages. Max runs up to you cause he also have a thousands of messages on instagram. Then you two open it and see....

The picture with you and Max and the ring on you hand... You two ignored it and watched a film to calm down again.

The day was nearly to end, when Max gets a call from... be continued...

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