Chapter 19

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Two friendly employees of the airport in Monaco are helping you to get unseen to a back entry. The three of you waited there for your suitcases that the employes went to get for you. When they come back you gave them a little tip for their help to get out of the airport and walk as fast as you ca to Max his car.

Daniel:" Do we see eachother at Dinner tonight. I can cook for us at mine if you two donˋt want to go to a restaurant!"

Max looks at you with a brite grin on his face. You start laughung because of Max, so Daniel just stares at you two because he is not aware of why you two are laughing about.

Daniel:" Guys...What is so funny about it? Did I say something that stupid?"
Y/n:" Itˋs just that...You and cooking are probably not the best couple in this universe...donˋt you think?"
Max:"Y/n is right....Donˋt you recognize that one evening, where we two..."

Before Max could finish his sentence Daniel interrupts him and places his hand on Max his lips, so he could not speak at the moment.

Daniel:" Yes, Max, I still now what happend then..."
Y/n:" What is this story about?"

Max tries to talk, but Daniel is not taking his hand from Max his mouth. So Max takes the only possible way to get rid of Daniel his hand. He just licks it...

Daniel:"What in the world is going on in your little brain Verstappen? Did you just lick my hand?"
Max:" Yes, I did....And it brought me what I wanted. Finally I can speak again. Because there is coming a crowd of people towards us...An dI think before we get crowded by them we should go fast...So see you later at mine Daniel at 8!"

Daniel couldnˋt even answer, because Max and you went as fast as you could in the car and drove off. So Daniel did it just like you and just could enter the parking lot in time. So he di not became crowded from the fans. be continued...

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