Chapter 39

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A few days later Max went golfing with the boys. You went for a run around the Monaco track. After that you run along the Golf course. So you thought you would visit Max, Lando and Charles. You searched for them.

Y/n:" MAXIE"
Max:"Hey Sweetie what you're doing here? I thought you'd go for a run?"
Y/n:" oh I did and came along here. So I thought I would come and visit you guys."
Charles :" Oh see who we got here. Y/n future Verstappen."
Y/n:" Oh hey Charles.. I met Charlotte on my run. She also was on her run. She's a nice girl. Other as you she knows how tok act with other people"
Lando:"Hey what is going on between you two. Why are you two like enemies?"
Y/n:" Oh Charles wanted to go on a date with me but guess what happened... Mr Leclerc did not appear. By the way this is how Max and me went on our first date."

Lando:" Charles is that the truth?"
Charles :" Yeah.. But I only did not came because Charlotte was my ex at this time. But she needed me so I drove to her and she just wanted me back. So yeah... I am really sorry for what I did to you on this evening Y/n... But now have Max. You two will get married soon. So I did also something very good to you. Because I wouldn't have wanted to marry you yet."

You look at Max and know what you've got for luck with him. You kiss him.

Y/n:" You're right Charles. I should finally forgive you. So friends?"
Charles:" Friends"
Y/n:" But one thing I still want to know...Why would you not wanted to marry me yet?"
Charles:" You know... I don't know either... It's just that... I don't know... Just a feeling..."

You accept his answer about it. Then you leave the golf course and run back home. be continued...

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