Chapter 2

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Since an hour you made some paper stuff. But now you need to go to your first ever Principle Interview.
It was an Interview with all the Team Principles of all the Formula one Teams. You had some conversations and answered some questions from the Press People.

At the same time at the Red Bull Motorhome with Max and Scheco. They are watching the Interview from Max his room.

Max:" Hey I know her...I bumped into her a few hours ago. She didnˋd wanted to say to me who she is and whatˋs her name...She just said Iˋll find out soon...And now just some hours later I know who she is!"
Scheco:"Calm down Max...Just breath one time, or you will die."He says while laughing about it."Sheˋs pretty hot but I think I know her somewhere!"
Max:" No you canˋt know her from somewhere. But youˋre right she is pretty hot...not only that...she is one of the prettiest girls Iˋve ever senn in my whole life!"
Scheco:"Get that right away out of your head! I know where I kno her from!"
Max just stares at Scheco and is wondering where he knows you from...But suddenly Carlos walks outside at the Paddock. And right away Max says:" Sheˋs Carlos Sister isnˋt she?"
Scheco:" Yeah she is. But also she is the Team Principle of Ferrari. So donˋt you dare and fall in love with her. Itˋs not allowed...I hope you have that in your head!"

Max didnˋt listened till the end of Scheco his speach. He just went into your office, before you got back from the Meeting. But not much time had past the Meeting was over and you straight went back to your office.

As soon as you walked into your room, you saw Max standing there. He leans against your table and just looks at you.

Y/n:" Hey you are not allowed to be here, you know that right?"
Max:" Calm down, Sweetie! I just wanted to see you, now where I finally know who you are! Y/n Sainz, the Team principle of the Ferrari Formula one Team!"

...To be continued...

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