Chapter 33

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It is Saturday in Quatar. So you and Max drive to the track after breakfast. There you go to the Red Bull motorhome, have a meeting and get to lunch. After lunch you want to talk a bit with your brother. So you go to the Ferrari Motorhome. Since you can't enter it, because you're working for another team you had to call him. But he didn't answer. So the only thing you could do in that moment is to call Charles.
On the phone...

Charles:"Hey traitor. What do you want?"
Y/n:" Hey man who transferred me. I want you to say my brother to come in front of your moterhome. It would be nice of you... Thanks!"
Charles:"No problem, little Liar."

You hung up and a few minutes later Carlos comes out. You two just walked around for an hour. On your way you two talked about Max and you, your wedding and the race. Also you met some fans and took a few pictures with them. Since they knew about you and Max they also do ask you for a picture. But not only the pictures, also they're asking you private questions about you and Max... Your wedding amd that stuff... You then just kept walking away from then. You knew it was rude of you, but you did not know what else to do in such a situation. You just didn't want to answer their questions, since you did not know something either.

Carlos:" Hey y/n.. When you don't knew what to answer as a kid... What did mum and Dad always told us to do?"
Y/n:" That we should not walk away from our thoughts. Otherwise they would run after us as long as we have an answer. And that would mean, that we would get pursued all the time we do not have an answer."
Carlos:" So what do we get out of this phrase?......That we shouls find an answer to all you open questions that'll have to be answered. "

You nodd and hugg Carlos for that advise. Although thta advise comes from your parents and not from Carlos. But he brougth it back to your mind.
You two went back to the paddock and got to your motorhomes. be continued...

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