Chapter 18

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Daniel:" Hey guys... You're late come on. Otherwise we'll miss our flight!"
Max:"Yeah... Sorry we had a bit of traffic. On our way. But now you're right we should hurry."

You three just came in time to the boarding gate to enter your plane. As soon as you find your places you took a Instagram story and tag Daniel and Max. Then you lay down your phone and get ready to take off. As soon as you are allowed to turn on your phones again, Your Instagram is exploding. Thousands of messages, that are replying on your story of the plane window. Every message says the same.

Messages: Why are you with Max and Daniel.
Are you a couple with one of them?
Are you going to Monaco with them.
Are you staying with Max or Daniel?
When are we getting an official announcement of your relationship with one of them?

You get a kind of nervous. Max sees that and holds your hand. Then he sees what is going on on your phone and takes it to read a few of these Messages.

Max:" That's normal. Calm down. You should not care about these messages. You just should ignore them. Also we'll tell the world when we are ready to. But at some point we can't hide it anymore. So then we'll have to say it. Anytime in monaco there can be paparazzi so we should prepare ourself before getting out of this plane... Okay? You're going to be okay? "

You can't even speak, because never in your life you were in the middle point of this much people. Also you don't know any of the people. But you nodded at Max and came down. You try to sleep for a bit but not much time later you landed at the airport. You prepare yourselfs with big fat sunglasses and caps. Then you got of the plane and tried to avoid the crowd of people that were waiting of you. be continued...

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