Chapter 8

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At the time you were in your room to get ready for going to the Paddock to give some interviews.

Suddenly there was a knock on your door. You opened it and Max stands in front of your door. He had a Flowerbouget in his one hand and a Box of pralines in the other.

Max:" Hey Sweety. I got you something."

He gives it to you and places a kiss on your cheek.
You blushed.

Y/n:" That wasn't necessary... But it's so sweet of you!"

You let him come in and you put the things he gave to you away. Just as you entered the room again you turned around and looked max deep in his bright blue eyes. You two made eye contact for long time.

Suddenly Max kisses you. You two kissed for a long time. It felt like forever. But you pulled away and made a step backwards.

Max:"You're alright? Did I something wrong?"
Y/n:"No. No. No. It was perfect, but you know we can't do this right?"
Max:"I know. But that's why I'm here. I wanted to talk about our situation. And maybe... If you would like to... Keep it a secret..."
Y/n:"YES... I definitely want to be with you... But not if the press would find out... Cause then you would loose you seat and I would loose my F1 Team. So we have to work out a strategy that works for keeping all of that a secret..."

Max grins. And looks at you with a face like, he has worked out the perfect strategy for your situation.

Max:"Listen. I worked it out. We don't see us at the Paddock. In weeks we are not racing you're can come to Monaco to visit me. Or I'm coming to Milan to visit you. But we should keep our distance at the Paddock. At social media we could post pictures of us... But more like friends and maybe it would be better when other Formula 1 driver would be with us on the picture.... Y/n what do you think? "
Y/n:" I love this plan. I think you worked it out perfectly... "

You grin at him and moved one step back in his direction. Before he could blink you kissed him.

Max:" For what was that one? "
Y/n:" For your enthusiasm in our relationship. For your kindness. And as a Confirmation for your strategy. But now I have to go. I have interviews at the Paddock. See you tonight?"

Max nods and gives you a last kiss on your cheek.
You two leave your room and split up. On the way to the Paddock you receive a message from Max.

Hey Sweetie. Movie night tonight at mine?

You wrote back

Sure I'm coming around as fast as I can. <3

You gave a lot of interviews about your career, life and your strategy for Ferrari. Now the day has nearly found an end. It was 8pm and you drove back to the hotel. To catch up with Max.

... To be continued...

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