Chapter 30

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Finally at the party. You and Max entered the private paddock club. Since you two are a little late Pierre sits there and plays like he's angry on you. You and Max walk up to Pierre...

Pierre:" Oh...Mister Verstappen and Miss future Verstappen are showing finally up. Since you two are so high above the ground you even don't have time for normal people like me."

You look at him and want to laugh... But you also wanted to trick out Max and so you played along with him.

Y/n:" Max I told you that you'll have to clear that when Pierre gets angry..."
Max:"No you didn't..."
Y/n:" Maybe you should start to listen to me. I will be your wife. So maybe... Just think of it... ¡Te lo dije antes en español! ¡Así que no podías entenderme!(I said that to you in spanish before. So you couldn't understand me)"
Max:"Calm down. Like I said before to you I do not understand you when you're talking in spanish. So when you want to say something to me just say it in a language that I am able to understand. Also yoi said that it wasn't that big of a deal, when you talked in spanish before...."
Pierre:" Max calm down... It's just a joke. I am either angry nor is Y/n angry of you. We're just pranking you a bit. And I did not know that it would be that easy. Even without planning any sentence of it."

Max looks at you and you look at him. You started to laugh because of this prank. But he seems a bit frustrated.

Max:" So you're not angry? But spanish just sounds angry in all ways and all what you're saying just sounds aggressive... Spanish is such a difficult language for understanding the emotions of people."
Y/n:"Everything is okay Max... Lets have some fun..."

The night goes on. You all have much fun. At 3 am you go then back to the hotel and finally go to sleep. be continued...

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